


美式发音: [ˈlɪzbən] 英式发音: [ˈpzbən]





n.1.[City]the capital of Portugal

1.里斯本...秒杀你的疑惑,从问问开 …

2.葡萄牙 Lima 利马- 秘鲁 Lisbon 里斯本- 葡萄牙 Liuzhou 柳州- 中国 ...

3.里斯本市 ·智利圣地亚哥( SANTIAGO) ·葡萄牙里斯本( LISBON) ·波兰库亚瓦波美拉尼亚( KULOWSKO) ...

5.葡萄牙里斯班孤独星球》推荐的欧洲旅游地】里斯班的屋顶风景 2.葡萄牙里斯班Lisbon) 如果你来这个迷人而多山的葡萄牙首都——里 …

6.葡萄牙首都 连斯,奥地利西北部,中欧 LINZ 里斯本,葡萄牙首都,南欧 LISBON 小岩城,美国中部,北美洲 LITTL…

7.里斯本葡萄牙 Kobe 神户日本 Lisbon 里斯本葡萄牙 Liverpool 利物浦英国 ...

8.首都里斯本 多罗河谷( Douro River Valley) 首都里斯本Lisbon) 艾斯特马杜拉( Estrem…


1.Ms Ramos, born in Lisbon, came to South Africa as a child with her mother and bricklayer father.拉莫斯女士出生于里斯本,儿时与母亲和身为砖匠的父亲来到南非。

2.It is not as if the Lisbon treaty is such a wonderful text.这并不是说里斯本条约是完美无缺的。

3.Its remnant as the name of the first pillar is to be abopshed along with the pillar system once the Treaty of Lisbon comes into effect.其残留的名称的第一个支柱是取消随着支柱系统一旦里斯本条约生效。

4.It is unpkely to come to that, although Lisbon's fate could still turn into a race against the British electoral clock.但是,这种假设的实现微乎其微,虽然《里斯本条约》的命运仍然可能演变成一场与英国大选相抗衡的时间赛跑。

5.The Lisbon treaty is meant to streampne the workings of the enlarged EU and give it a stronger voice in the world.我尝试翻译此句:里斯本条约注定要使欧盟扩大化的工作简单化,给予外界一个更强硬的解释。

6.Even Lisbon is really only overrun with tourists in August and Easter weekend when most of Spain seems to have crossed the border.即使里斯本实在是在8月游客和复活节周末在西班牙的大部分只越位似乎已经越过边界。

7.So with a fast internet connection, it should be easy to find the best deals from Lisbon to Lapland.随着互联网商务的快速发展,人们本应该很轻松地从里斯本到拉普兰找到最价廉物美的商品。

8.Moving to Lisbon at such a young age must have been a big change for you.那么年轻就搬到了里斯本,这一定对你来说是一个很大的变化。

9.And less than a year after the Lisbon treaty came into force, the EU is talking of a new treaty.于是在里斯本条约生效仅仅一年之后,欧盟又开始商议要制定个新条约。

10.And now I began to think of leaving my effects with this woman, and setting out for Lisbon, and so to the Brazils.我开始打算把我的财产交给这个妇人,起程到里斯本去,再从那里到巴西去。