


美式发音: [ˈlʌdloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈlʌdləu]



un.1.town in southwestern Massachusetts, on the Chicopee River, directly northeast of Springfield and southwest of Worcester.

1.勒德洛 密度范围 Density range 勒德罗排铸机 Ludlow 寄存器 Register ...

6.勒德洛小镇英国什罗普郡勒德洛小镇Ludlow)五月的博览会的摊贩向议员请愿,希望推翻禁止金鱼被当成奖品的法令。Jimmy Stokes表 …


1.JDR's son had been responsible for the Ludlow massacre, and an obedient partner in his father's most unsavory actions.洛克菲勒的儿子对拉德洛大屠杀负有责任,而且在他父亲的大多数令人反感的行动中一直是一个顺从的合作者。

2.In Ludlow market, shoppers declared that they did not care how large new constituencies were, if a smaller House of Commons saved money.在拉得洛市场,前来购物的人声称只要缩减下议院人数可以节省开支,他们根本就不介意新选区有多大。

3.The head floor nurse, Mrs. Ludlow, bustled in. Normally preoccupied and serious, she was beaming.楼层护士长勒德洛太太快步走了进来。往常这个时候,她总十分严肃,忙得脱不开身,可现在笑容可掬。

4.Colonel Ludlow: Samuel chose to be a soldier and soldiers die! Sent to their slaughter by men in governments! Parasites pke you!选择了成为一名军人,军人会战死!是政府的人让他们去送死的!就是你这样的寄生虫!

5.The Ludlow is a mass of charred debris, and buried beneath it is a story of horror unparalleled in the history of industrial warfare.拉德洛已是一片被烧焦的废墟,下面埋葬着工业冲突历史上惨绝人寰的恐怖故事。

6.Ludlow: Alfred, she's to be your brother's wife.鲁上校:艾弗瑞,他是你弟弟的妻子。

7.The Ludlow Massacre set off a wave of sympathy for the strikers.勒德洛的屠杀激起人们对罢工者同情的浪潮。

8.Tom Ludlow: Were the popce. We can do whatever the hell we want.汤姆·勒德洛:我们是警察,该逝世的我们想做什么就做什么。

9.Places such as Ludlow in Shropshire, a fairtrade town based on ethical trading ideas, where the independent high street has been hard won.像什罗普郡的鲁德洛那样的地区——一个基于道德交易想法的公平贸易城镇,独立发达的商业街已经来之不易。

10.Ludlow: How can we what? !鲁上校:我们怎么了?