



美式发音: [wedʒ] 英式发音: [wedʒ]


v.用楔子楔牢 用楔子劈开;挤进;楔入


复数:wedges  现在分词:wedging  过去式:wedged  同义词反义词






v.1.用楔子楔牢 (up) 用楔子劈开;挤进2.楔入,挤进

n.1.a piece of wood, plastic, or other material that is thin at one end and wider at the other and is pressed into a space to hold something in place or to force things apart; something that has the shape of a wedge2.a golf club with a thick flat head that slopes away from the ball

v.1.to fix something in position with a wedge2.to fix something tightly or in a small space

1.楔形 Oxfords/ 牛津鞋 Wedges/ 坡跟鞋 Boat Shoes/ 帆船航海鞋 ...

4.厚底鞋 Flared 细跟凉鞋 Wedges 厚底鞋 Spppers 拖鞋 ...

5.楔子会 发生上述的危险。 白 D8 后 1.4 楔入 楔入(WEDGES) 我们已经看到,角是非常重要的 角是非常重要的,下面,我们来看 …

7.楔形型态17 三角形型态(Triangles) 5.18 楔形型态Wedges) 5.19 扩散底型态及扩散顶型态(Broadening Bottoms and Broadenin…

例句释义:,,楔形,高压顶点,〈比喻〉可以逐渐扩大作用的开端,用楔子楔牢 用楔子劈开,挤进,楔入,挖起杆,坡跟鞋,厚底鞋

1.Wedges are inserted between the part of the supporting component and a spacer plate of the heat exchanger.楔插在支撑部件的部件和热交换器的间隔板之间。

2.Top a mixed-green salad with candied walnuts, tangerine wedges and a bit of goat cheese.顶端放带有胡桃,楔形红橘和一点羊干酪的混合绿色色拉。

3.But a good way to think about the technology is called "stabipsation wedges" and was invented by Rob Socolow of Princeton University.目前有一种好方法是:按照“契形法”,采用高科技来处理这些二氧化碳。它由普林斯顿大学的RobSocolow提出。

4.Whereupon a portly Bangladeshi bustles through the doors and wedges himself inside as if he's performing a star jump.即便如此,还有健硕的孟加拉人迅速破门而入,挤入人群,犹如上演纵身一跃。

5.Used in technical analysis. This pattern is similar to a symmetrical triangle. Wedges are usually seen within the existing trend and . . .在技术分析上,楔形与一个等边三角形相似,通常出现在现行趋势中,一般属于持续形态。从时间角度看,这种形…

6.The tormentors could hammer at least a dozen wedges up and down the legs.每个受刑之人的腿上至少都会被敲进一打这种楔形物。

7.The wedges would then ignite spontaneously in the air and fall to the ground, burning for five or 10 minutes, he said.这些物块是于空气中自燃后掉落地面的,燃烧可以整整持续5到10分钟。

8.Once the fiberglass resin has set, the mold can be removed, and wedges are used to take the mold off the plug.玻璃纤维和树脂凝固后,可将模具移开。使用楔型物将模具从母模中移开。

9.Wash and cut the potatoes into wedges, place in baking tray and bake with oil for about 22 minutes, then season with salt and mixed herbs.小马铃薯切成四分,放在烤盘,加入油烤22分种,将已煮的小马铃薯家加入盐和混合香叶。

10.This device consists of three or more steel wedges that are hinged together, forming a near circle around the drill pipe.该装置包括铰接在一起的三个或者多个钢楔,形成一个围绕钻柱的近似圆形。