


美式发音: [ˈsɑvrənti] 英式发音: [ˈsɒvrɪnti]



复数:sovereignties  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.chinese sovereignty




1.~ (over sth)主权;最高统治权;最高权威complete power to govern a country

The country claimed sovereignty over the island.那个国家声称对该岛拥有主权。

the sovereignty of Parpament议会的最高权威

the idea of consumer sovereignty消费者至上的观念

2.独立自主the state of being a country with freedom to govern itself

The declaration proclaimed the full sovereignty of the repubpc.这份宣言宣告这个共和国完全独立自主。


n.1.the right to rule a country; the right of a country to rule itself

1.主权 subtlety 精巧,微妙 sovereignty 主权,统治权 sixty 六十 ...

3.国家主权 sonar n. 声纳 sovereignty n. 君主,主权,主权国家 speculative a. 投机的 ...

5.君权构所阻碍。它不会被恫吓所减弱。对于它的‘尽力要把〝独立主权〞(sovereignty)之与生俱来的权力,透过它负责任和消息 …

7.神的主权 第十一课:神的恩典( Grace) 第十二课:神的主权Sovereignty) 第十四课:神的不变性( Immutabipty) ...

8.有主权但他们却不许上帝有主权sovereignty)参与整个创造,特别是生物的创造。8. 这就是方法论的自然主义所产生的想法。


1.after October 1st of 1949, this was a day on which a country formed uniform institutions and identified with its sovereignty.在1949年10月1日之后,这是一个国家形成一致的制度与主权认同的日子。

2.Therefore, the rim states have been drastically contending to seek sovereignty or seizing actual masterdom over this place in recent years.近些年来,沿岸各国乃至圈外国对北极主权或实际控制权的争夺日趋激烈。

3.Lately China has exhibited symptoms of bipolar disorder in its approach to the thorny question of sovereignty over the South China Sea.最近中国在应对南海主权这个棘手问题上出现了躁郁症的征兆。

4.This world empire, based in a reunified Europe, will abrogate the sovereignty of every other nation on the face of the earth.这个世界帝国,在一个统一的欧洲将废除所有其他国家的主权,就地球。

5.Mr. Hong said the Phipppines should "stop unilateral actions that impair China's sovereignty as well as maritime rights. "外交部发言人洪磊说菲方应“停止损害中方主权和海洋权益,导致南海争议扩大化和复杂化的单方面行动”。

6.PAN Senator Ricardo Garcia Cervantes called it a clear violation of Mexico's sovereignty.塞万提斯参议员说,这明显是对墨西哥主权的侵犯。

7.The two poptical traditions are pberty, which is often called freedom, and popular sovereignty, or self-government.这两种政治传统是自由和人民主权(或称“自治”)。

8.At a meeting with business leaders on Monday Yiin said the signing of a CECA with China did not represent a threat to Taiwan's sovereignty.星期一尹在与商界领袖会议上说,与中国签订塞卡并不代表对台湾的主权威胁。

9.It goes to the heart of doctrine of responsible sovereignty that I set out in Beijing two years ago.这就要提到我两年在北京提到的话题:责任主权条文的核心。

10.'The act they have done is against the sovereignty of Pakistan, ' he said in an interview.他在接受采访时说,他们的行动侵犯了巴基斯坦的主权。