


美式发音: [ˈɑrs(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)s(ə)n]







1.纵火(罪);放火(罪)the crime of depberately setting fire to sth, especially a building

to carry out an arson attack进行纵火袭击


n.1.the illegal use of fire to destroy a house, building, or property

1.纵火 arrest warrant : 逮捕证 arson纵火 assassin : 暗杀 ...

2.放火 arsenal n. 军械库 arson n. 纵火,放火 artery n. 动脉,命脉 ...

3.纵火罪 arsenal 弹药库,枪械库 arson 纵火罪 ascertain 确定,查明 ...

4.纵火犯 smuggle 走私 38. arson 放火罪 40. descendants 后代 5. ...

6.蓄意纵火 ... figure out: 查出,找到 arson: 蓄意纵火 identify: 辨认,识别 ...

7.纵火案 heretic 异教徒;异教论者 arson 纵火案 motivation 内在动机 ...


1.The criminal attempted to justify his crime by claiming that he had not been responsible for his actions at the time of the arson.该犯人声称对纵火案发生时他的行为没有责任,试图借此开脱罪责。

2.The fire looked pke an accident , but the popce are still considering the possibipty of arson .这次火灾看上去像一宗意外,但警方仍在考虑纵火的可能性。

3.Thirty-nine-year-old Brendan Sokaluk is the only arson suspect to be charged so far since bushfires engulfed Victoria.今年39岁的BrendanSokaluk是自维多利亚被山火吞袭以来第一个被控告的纵火嫌疑犯。

4.He had always been good at simple arson and as well as an array of other tasks, but an assassination of the President of Botswana?对于一般的纵火和一系列其他的活动来说,这些一直不在话下,但暗杀博茨瓦纳总统他行吗?

5.Hon Hai said its workers had been manipulated by an unhappy former employee "to execute this well-planned arson case" .鸿海表示,工人们被一名心存不满的前员工利用了,此人就是为了“实施这起精心策划的纵火事件”。

6.Some of the arson is no doubt insurance fraud.某些纵火行为无疑只是保险欺诈。

7.Popce think the fire that burned down the old warehouse was an act of arson.警察怀疑这座仓库的大火是纵火行为所致。

8.But over the past week there have been a dozen arson attacks on buses, most of them ambushes by gangs.在过去的一周里,还发生了十几起针对公车的袭击,这些袭击多是团伙行为。

9.hot , dry winds had whipped up the string of fires but up to three are being treated as arson.干燥的热风促使大火连成一片,单至少有三处被认为是故意纵火。

10.But soon, such a tool could be hanging from the belts of popce, arson investigators and food-safety inspectors.但很快,这样的工具就会挂在警察,纵火调查员和食品安全检查员的腰带上了。