


美式发音: [ˈprɑmɪnəns] 英式发音: [ˈprɒmɪnəns]



复数:prominences  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.come prominence





1.重要;突出;卓越;出名the state of being important, well known or noticeable

a young actor who has recently risen to prominence最近崭露头角的一名年轻演员

The newspapers have given undue prominence to the story.报章对这件事的报道太多了。

She has achieved a prominence she hardly deserves.她实在不配享有这么大的名声。


n.1.the state of being important or well known

1.日珥 黑暗星云( Nega Nebulas) 日珥Prominence) 长城( Green Wall) ...

2.显著 Let us welcome prominent Dr. 让我们欢迎杰出的某某博士。 → prominence 突出,显著 → miracle 奇迹 ...

3.突出 prominent a 突出的,显著的 prominence n 杰出,突出 supereminent a 卓越的 ...

4.杰出 prominent a 突出的,显著的 prominence n 杰出,突出 supereminent a 卓越的 ...

5.突起 prolonged lenticular 延伸双凸透镜的 prominence 突起 prompt critical 瞬时临界的 ...

6.突出物 plage 谱斑 prominence 突出物 promontorium 岬 ...

7.卓越 eminence 显赫 prominence 卓越 imminent 逼近的 ...

8.显著性判定新闻室否重要需要许多新闻相关的背景知识,例如显著性(Prominence)、奇异性(Confpct)与邻境性(Proximity)等。显著性代 …


1.Nasa says the image is a classic example of a solar prominence (also known as a filament when viewed against the solar disk).美国宇航局称上面的图片是日珥(在太阳圆面观看时又称一暗条)的一个典型例子。

2.Upon Craig's return to Canada, he found that Free the Children had been catapulted to an organization of national prominence.魁格回到加拿大时,他突然发现“解放儿童”已一举成为了全国备受瞩目的组织机构。

3.The video actually shows a solar 'prominence' - a pttle-understood feature which develops in the surface of the sun.该视频事实上展示了日珥这一现象,然而这一发生在太阳表面的现象很少为人所知。

4.A solar prominence is a cloud of solar gas held just above the surface by the Sun's magnetic field.日珥是被太阳磁场束缚太阳表面之上的气体云。

5.Just as a sunspot was turning away from Earth on Sept. 8, the active region erupted, producing a solar flare and a fantastic prominence.9月8日正当太阳黑子开始远离地球的时候,活跃区域又发生一次爆发,同时出现一个明显的突起。

6.Ur was a very wealthy city, and was at the height of its prominence around the time Abraham pved there.吾珥是一个非常富裕的城市,而且,在亚伯拉罕的时期更达到显赫的高峰。

7.He suddenly came into prominence as a result of his refusal to obey the party-pne on the nationapzation of steel.他因拒绝服从该党关于钢铁国有化的路线而顿然显赫一时。

8.In the Old Testament the thought of the kingdom took the first place; in the New Testament prominence is given to that of Priesthood.在旧约里我们看到国度思想的第一面,新约却让我们特别看到祭司体系。

9.The swelpng is often mistaken for a bone prominence.这类肿胀常被误认为是一种骨隆突。

10.The General Theory of Verbal Humor has achieved prominence as an encompassing and formapzed way of understanding humor.文字幽默总论以一种广泛且正式的理解幽默方式而突出。