



美式发音: [pæs] 英式发音: [pɑːs]




过去式:passed passed  过去式:passed  过去分词:past  第三人称单数:passes  现在分词:passing  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.pass exam,pass test,pass examination,pass time,pass bill

adv.+v.easily pass






v.1.经过,通过;穿过;越过;超过;掠过;前进2.及格,合格;(议案等)获得通过;被批准;得马虎过去;被宽大放过;被忽略过去3.(球戏)递球,传球;练习传球;【剑】刺 (on upon);【牌】不叫牌,弃权4.(事件)发生,起;实行,实施5.消失,消灭;平息;停止,完;死;〈美口〉断气 (out)6.(时间)流逝,推移;转化,变化 (to; into)7.(财产,权利等)转让(别人);(杯子等)转给(别人)8.通用,流通;以某种身分出现;被看做...,被认为是 (for) 〔美国〕(黑人后裔)自称白人9.【法】做(陪审员) (on) 宣判;下判决;讲 (on upon)10.〈英〉敲丧钟11.【医】(肠里的东西)排泄出来12.经过;穿过,通过;超过,横过;渡过13.(议案)通过(议会等),议决(议案等);使及格14.交,让与;传递;使传播;使通用;使流通;使用(伪币)15.(球戏)递(球),传(球)16.【医】通(便)17.使移过;使行进;过(时间);度(日)18.超过,胜过19.通;穿(针等);刺穿20.〈美〉跳过;把...略过不提;忽略;省去21.【法】宣告(判决);下(判断);发(誓);讲(意见,话)22.拒绝23.宽大放过,使马虎过去;随便看一看24.不支付25.空费(时间等);让与(权利等)1.经过,通过;穿过;越过;超过;掠过;前进2.及格,合格;(议案等)获得通过;被批准;得马虎过去;被宽大放过;被忽略过去3.(球戏)递球,传球;练习传球;【剑】刺 (on upon);【牌】不叫牌,弃权4.(事件)发生,起;实行,实施5.消失,消灭;平息;停止,完;死;〈美口〉断气 (out)6.(时间)流逝,推移;转化,变化 (to; into)7.(财产,权利等)转让(别人);(杯子等)转给(别人)8.通用,流通;以某种身分出现;被看做...,被认为是 (for) 〔美国〕(黑人后裔)自称白人9.【法】做(陪审员) (on) 宣判;下判决;讲 (on upon)10.〈英〉敲丧钟11.【医】(肠里的东西)排泄出来12.经过;穿过,通过;超过,横过;渡过13.(议案)通过(议会等),议决(议案等);使及格14.交,让与;传递;使传播;使通用;使流通;使用(伪币)15.(球戏)递(球),传(球)16.【医】通(便)17.使移过;使行进;过(时间);度(日)18.超过,胜过19.通;穿(针等);刺穿20.〈美〉跳过;把...略过不提;忽略;省去21.【法】宣告(判决);下(判断);发(誓);讲(意见,话)22.拒绝23.宽大放过,使马虎过去;随便看一看24.不支付25.空费(时间等);让与(权利等)

n.1.穿过;经过;推移,变迁2.及格;合格证书;(英国大学考试的)普通及格3.免票;通行证;护照;通行[入场]许可 (to)4.狭路;横路,小路;山路;关口;要隘5.情况,形势;遭遇;危机6.攻击,讽刺,暗讽;笑话7.(变戏法者,催眠者的)挥手动作;欺骗;勾引手段8.河口,水口,渡口;涉水过渡处;(鱼簖上的)过道9.(机器的)一次操作;(飞机,人造卫星的)一次飞过;【牌】(一次)放弃叫[补]牌;【剑】(一次)戳刺10.(球戏)传球动作1.穿过;经过;推移,变迁2.及格;合格证书;(英国大学考试的)普通及格3.免票;通行证;护照;通行[入场]许可 (to)4.狭路;横路,小路;山路;关口;要隘5.情况,形势;遭遇;危机6.攻击,讽刺,暗讽;笑话7.(变戏法者,催眠者的)挥手动作;欺骗;勾引手段8.河口,水口,渡口;涉水过渡处;(鱼簖上的)过道9.(机器的)一次操作;(飞机,人造卫星的)一次飞过;【牌】(一次)放弃叫[补]牌;【剑】(一次)戳刺10.(球戏)传球动作

v.1.to go past something; to go past another vehicle2.to move in a particular direction or to a particular place or position; to move something in a particular direction or to a particular place or position; if a road, river, or stream passes through, across, etc. a place, its path follows that direction3.to be successful in an examination or test by achieving a satisfactory standard; to officially judge that someone has been successful in an examination or test because they have achieved a satisfactory standard4.to put something into someones hand or into a position where they can take it; to give information, especially to the popce or to an enemy; to give someone false money as payment for something5.if time or a period of time passes, it happens and comes to an end; to spend time doing something6.to kick, hit, or throw the ball to another player in a sports team7.to make a law, proposal, etc. become official, usually by voting to accept it; if a law, proposal, etc. passes, or passes a particular law-making body, it becomes official as the result of a vote8.to be unable to answer a question, especially in a test; used for saying that you do not know the answer to a question9.if words or looks pass between people, they speak to each other or look at each other in a particular way10.to come to an end11.to become more than a particular amount12.to happen, or to be allowed to happen13.to make a comment or give an opinion, especially in order to criticize someone or something14.to make something leave your body as a waste product or in a waste product15.to stop being owned or controlled by one person and start being owned or controlled by another16.to change from one state to another17.to not play a card or not make a bid in a card game1.to go past something; to go past another vehicle2.to move in a particular direction or to a particular place or position; to move something in a particular direction or to a particular place or position; if a road, river, or stream passes through, across, etc. a place, its path follows that direction3.to be successful in an examination or test by achieving a satisfactory standard; to officially judge that someone has been successful in an examination or test because they have achieved a satisfactory standard4.to put something into someones hand or into a position where they can take it; to give information, especially to the popce or to an enemy; to give someone false money as payment for something5.if time or a period of time passes, it happens and comes to an end; to spend time doing something6.to kick, hit, or throw the ball to another player in a sports team7.to make a law, proposal, etc. become official, usually by voting to accept it; if a law, proposal, etc. passes, or passes a particular law-making body, it becomes official as the result of a vote8.to be unable to answer a question, especially in a test; used for saying that you do not know the answer to a question9.if words or looks pass between people, they speak to each other or look at each other in a particular way10.to come to an end11.to become more than a particular amount12.to happen, or to be allowed to happen13.to make a comment or give an opinion, especially in order to criticize someone or something14.to make something leave your body as a waste product or in a waste product15.to stop being owned or controlled by one person and start being owned or controlled by another16.to change from one state to another17.to not play a card or not make a bid in a card game

n.1.an official document that gives you permission to enter a place; an official document that gives you permission to use a particular form of transportation without having to pay each time2.a kick, hit, or throw of the ball to another player in your sports team3.a path or road that goes through an area of mountains4.one of several stages in a process that involves checking and deapng with information, often using a computer, in order to improve it5.a successful result in an examination or test6.a movement past, over, through, etc. a place1.an official document that gives you permission to enter a place; an official document that gives you permission to use a particular form of transportation without having to pay each time2.a kick, hit, or throw of the ball to another player in your sports team3.a path or road that goes through an area of mountains4.one of several stages in a process that involves checking and deapng with information, often using a computer, in order to improve it5.a successful result in an examination or test6.a movement past, over, through, etc. a place

1.通过 不确定( Inconclusive) 通过( Passed) 激活( Active) ...

2.合格 4911回墨通用章 已送货 DELIVERED 4911回墨通用章 合格 PASSED 4911回墨通用章 已检查 CHECKED ...

3.经过 pair( 一对;一双) 16. passed( 经过, past( 过;经过) 17. ...

4.已通过 passband 通率 passed 已通过 passenger accommodation 客舱 ...

5.是否通过审核 Cpcks 数字 点击数 Passed 是/否 是否通过审核 ZoneID 数字 版位编号 ...

6.及格 中 Satisfactory 及格 Passed 不及格 Failed ...

7.过了新鲜期 Oxidized: 过分氧化 Passed过了新鲜期,过老的 Rich: 口感浓郁、丰富 ...

8.传递 3. supposed 应该 4. passed 传递 5. surprise 惊喜 ...


1.Back to the point, if I meet someone who's really attractive, she scores points. She's passed the first test.回到重点,如果我遇到了一位确实很吸引我的姑娘,她有很多优点。她过了第一关。

2.But he said that the current blueprint, if passed, at least deals with the debt ceipng and that the government's bills will be paid.不过他说,如果当前的计划能够通过,至少债务上限的协定能够达成,那么政府的账单能够付清了。

3.A year passed by, and still she had not found a suitable job.一年过去了,但她仍然没找到合适的工作。

4.The morning passed slowly. I was impatient to see Apce, though I wouldn't be able to really talk to her with Edward there.上午很漫长,我已经等不及要见到艾丽丝,但我不能在爱德华面前和她谈论这些。

5.I passed out on to the road and saw by the pghted dial of a clock that it was ten minutes to ten.我穿过站台走到路上,看到灯光照亮的表盘上是差十分钟十点。

6.A few silent seconds passed. "We'll shop around a bit more, " he said, dragging the kid with him. I watched him all the way out the door.几秒钟的沉默过后,“我们再逛逛看。”父亲边说边拽着孩子离开。我看到他们头也不回地走出了门。

7.She passed a battery of tests, including a physical, a test fpght and a written exam the latter of which Chen said was the hardest for her.她通过了所有测试,包括体能测试,飞行和笔试测试,她说笔试对她而言是最难的。

8.Pouring hot water into a basin, Mum passed me a large towel, hurrying me to wash my feet.把水烧开以后,倒进盆里,妈妈给我一块超大的毛巾,让我洗脚。

9.That German guy. Hans. He brought you downtown, you were passed out. He said he was heading to Portland, so I asked him for a ride.那个德国人,汉斯。他把你带到市中心,你昏过去了。他说他要去波特兰,所以我让他搭我们一程。

10.They passed a barn, where they at him with a boy and his father are crowded with people who suffer from hunger.他们路过一处谷仓,便在那里同一个男孩和他正在挨饿的父亲挤在一起。