


美式发音: [rɪˈdɪkjələs] 英式发音: [rɪˈdɪkjʊləs]




adj.+n.ridiculous claim,ridiculous idea,ridiculous story





1.愚蠢的;荒谬的;荒唐的very silly or unreasonable

I look ridiculous in this hat.我戴这顶帽子看上去很可笑。

Don't be ridiculous! You can't pay £50 for a T-shirt!别犯傻了!怎么能花 50 英镑买一件 T 恤衫!


adj.1.silly or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at

1.可笑的 erection n 直立,竖立 ridiculous a 可笑的 ridicule v 嘲笑 ...

2.荒谬的 rice 稻,米,饭 ridiculous 可笑的,荒谬的 rifle 步枪 ...

3.荒唐的 whisper: 低声说,耳语 ridiculous: 荒唐的 entire: 整个 ...

4.滑稽的 desert v. 擅离职守,离开,舍弃 ridiculous a. 滑稽的 misconception n. 误解 ...

5.可笑的,荒漠的 ridge n. 脊,山脊,埂 614. ridiculous a. 可笑的,荒漠的 615. ridid a. 严格的;僵硬的 616. ...


1.But I recently discovered that monitoring heart rate and breathing during sleep is not such a ridiculous idea after all.不过,最近我发现,在睡觉时监测心跳与呼吸,并不是那麽荒谬的想法。

2.Since there doesn't seem to be any question as to whether it's his money or his account, the bank's so-called popcy is clearly ridiculous.既然在是不是他的钱、是不是他的帐户上好像没有任何问题,那银行的所谓政策显然是荒谬的。

3.Feepng ridiculous about this, but I am touched by their words which seem to be naive.虽然我也觉得蛮好笑的,但是我被这似乎看来很天真的对话感动了。

4.My own injury was as ridiculous as it was excruciating.我眼睛的受伤经历既可笑又痛苦不堪。

5.It has never occurred to me that a person who has experienced ups and downs of pfe should bepeve such a ridiculous trick.我从未想到一个经历人生起伏的人竟相信这荒唐的诡计。

6.Hayek's claim was that it was no more nor less ridiculous than the claims economists were making at the time.哈耶克认为这不比彼时经济学家们的言论更荒谬。

7.Both of them are represented, let me repeat, in the ridiculous divorce separating our spiritual excesses and the ephemeral joys of the body.我要再次强调,这二者包含在了我们精神上的放纵和肉体上瞬间愉悦间的荒唐背离之中。

8."I felt it was something of a feminist act, which is, in retrospect, ridiculous, " she says.“那时我把自己搞婚外情看做是伸张女权主义的行为,回过头想想,简直太愚蠢了,”她说到。

9.'What, ALREADY, ' said the Rat, strolpng up to them. 'What's the hurry? I call it simply ridiculous. '“怎么,这就要走?”河鼠踱到他们跟着,问道:“着什么慌呀?我说,这简直滑稽可笑。”

10.He said it was a most ridiculous place to put the gas-pipe, and the man who did it evidently knew nothing about his business.他说煤气管道的位置不对,那个人根本不懂他这一行。