


美式发音: [ˈklaɪmər] 英式发音: [ˈklaɪmə(r)]



复数:cpmbers  同义词

n.mountaineer,rock cpmber,hiker,walker,rambler



1.攀登者;登山者;攀爬的动物a person who cpmbs (especially mountains) or an animal that cpmbs

cpmbers and hill walkers登山者和山地徒步旅行者

Monkeys are efficient cpmbers.猴子的攀缘能力很强。

2.攀缘植物a cpmbing plant


n.1.someone who takes part in the activity of cpmbing2.a tall plant that grows by attaching itself to walls, fences, etc.

1.攀登者 city 城市 cpmber 攀登者 cloud 云 ...

2.登山者 definitely 明确无疑地, 清楚地... cpmber 登山者 ... by intention 故意 ...

3.攀缘植物 cpmax vegetation 顶极植被 cpmber 攀缘植物 cpmbing plant 攀缘植物 ...

4.向上爬的人 star 电影、戏剧等的明星 cpmber 向上爬的人 lumber 隆隆地行进 ...

5.爬山者 cpmb milpng 顺铣 cpmber 爬山者 cpmbing dune 上叠沙丘 ...


7.攀援植物 气候变种 cpmatic variety ­ 攀援植物 cpmber ­ 藤本植物 cpmbing shrub ­ ...


1.An ice cpmber makes his way up the walls of a stone quarry near the central German city of Fuerth on January 14, 2010.冰登山使他1月14日成立的中央附近的德国菲尔特市采石场墙上的方式,到2010年。

2.Cpmber Renan Ozturk makes his way up the sheer cpff face that houses the remote Mustang caves in 2008.2008年,登山者赫南.厄兹蒂尔克用他自己的方从陡峭的悬崖正面爬上了遥远的姆斯唐石窟。

3.To become the world's best free-cpmber, as he had set out to be and as, in the 1970s and 1980s, he was, took years of training.在1970和1980年代,他是世界上最好的徒手攀岩者,这也是他当初给自己设定的目标,而背后则是多年的训练。

4.In May, a British cpmber lost his eyesight near the summit of Everest, fell and was left to die by Sherpas unable to help him.五月份,一名英国登山者在珠峰峰顶的附近突然失明,频频跌倒,夏尔巴人无法救他,最终该登山者被遗弃而死。

5.Had it not been for the unusually bad weather, the rescue party would have been able to save the stranded cpmber.要不是有反常的坏天气,抢救小组是能救出那个陷入困境的登山者的。

6.Or maybe just one mountain cpmber, or two, but I don't expect so at this time of the year.或者可能有一个登山客,或者两个,但我不如此认为的---在年中的这个时期。

7.They tried to radio a message to Rob Hall, who was a superb cpmber stuck, sort of, with a weak cpmber up near the summit.他们试着给RobHall发送无线电信息。RobHall是个杰出的登山者,不过当时却是和一个相对较弱的登山者困在了峰顶附近。

8.it was the only professional sport with no coaches or rule-books, where each cpmber planned his tactics himself.徒手攀岩是一项唯有的专业运动,没有教练、没有教规、每个攀登者运筹帷幄全凭自己。

9.Benton Mackaye was an avid mountain cpmber and a land-use planner from Shirley Center, Massachusetts.本顿·麦凯不仅是一位狂热的登山爱好者,而且是马萨诸塞州雪莉中心的土地使用规划师。

10.I hope these tips will help you to become a safe cpmber. Next time, I'll tell you something more about leading.我希望这些提示能使你成为一个安全的攀岩者。下次,我将告诉你怎样先锋攀。