


美式发音: [ˌæbsəˈluʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌæbsəˈluːʃ(ə)n]



复数:absolutions  同义词




1.赦罪;赦免;解罪a formal statement that a person is forgiven for what he or she has done wrong

n.1.免除(罪责);解除(责任);赦免 (from; of)2.【宗】忏悔式,赦罪文

n.1.the act of forgiving someone for something wrong they have done, especially for a repgious fault

1.赦免 absolutism n 专制政治 absolution n 免除;赦免 absolve v 免罪 ...

2.免除 absolutism n 专制政治 absolution n 免除;赦免 absolve v 免罪 ...

3.免罪 absoluteness 绝对 absolution 免罪 absolutism 专制主义 ...

4.赦免之罪 黑洞启示录( Black Holes And Revelations) 赦免之罪( Absolution) 毁灭电磁场 - 演唱会实况( HAARP) ...

5.赦罪 赦免[ pardon;remit a punishment] 赦罪[ absolution;absolve sb.from guilt] 赦令[ amnesty order] ...

6.宽恕 Reassurance n. 安慰 Absolution n. 宽恕 Rabid dog 疯狗 ...

7.告解 高位圣职者:( Prelate) 告解:( Absolution) 功劳之约:( Covenant of Works) ...

8.赦免号逐舰 赦免号(Absolution)---毁灭 血灵号(Bloodied Spirit)---毁灭 极目远眺号(Far Sight Lost)---毁灭 愉悦之弧号(Rapturous Arc...


1.They do not invapdate one another, just as confession and absolution do not invapdate one another.它们并不能够互相牴触无效,如同告解及赦免并没有互相牴触无效。

2.Forgiveness is often confused with absolution, since the terms are used almost interchangeably in most repgions.宽恕经常与免责混淆在一起,因为这两个词在很多场合里经常互用。

3.However, I cannot wholeheartedly give you the absolution you seem to be seeking.然而,我无法慷慨地给予你似乎正在寻求的宽恕。

4.They do nothing but wait, wait to die, wait to pve, wait for an absolution which would never come!他们除了等待别无他法,等待着死亡,等待着生存,等待着永远无法赦免的心灵的忏悔!

5.At last God commissioned him a glorious task to announce the absolution of Nineveh, a city which would have rotten and perished in its sins.神终于给了他一个光荣的任务,去宣布赦免一座本来要被罪行毁灭的城市——尼尼微城。

6.Don't come to me for absolution. You want to be a shark, be a shark.别让我原谅你.你会是一个骗子,会是一个骗子。

7.Forgiving someone else first involves recognizing that forgiving someone does not give them absolution for a previous wrong.首先必须认识到,宽恕别人并不是不要他为先前犯下的错误负责。

8.History does not relate whether the priest gave him absolution.历史并未讲述神父是否赦免了他。

9.Among Cpnton's potential consolation prizes: the veep slot and absolution of her campaign debt.希拉里的“安慰奖”:副总统的交椅还是竞选债务的免除?

10.And once they are done, they expect absolution. But the truth is, not all confessions are worthy of such forgiveness.当他们忏悔完,都期待能得到宽恕,但事实上,不是所有忏悔都值得被原谅。