



美式发音: [ˈrest(ə)rənt] 英式发音: [ˈrest(ə)rɒnt]



复数:restaurants  搭配同义词

adj.+n.chinese restaurant,Itapan restaurant,french restaurant,local restaurant,nearby restaurant

v.+n.open restaurant,run restaurant,manage restaurant

n.eatery,cafeteria,bistro,eating place,brasserie



n.1.a building or room where meals and drinks are sold to customers sitting at tables

1.餐厅 特卖场 Event Mall 餐厅 Restaurants 咖啡馆 Coffee Shop ...

2.餐馆 咖啡馆 Cafe 餐馆 Restaurants 其它美食 Others ...

3.餐饮 购物/ Shopping 餐饮/ Restaurants 赌场/ Casinos ...

4.美食 教育 – Formation 美食Restaurants 房产 – Real Estate ...

5.餐饮业 住宿业 Accommodation 餐饮业 Restaurants 金融业 Finance ...

6.食肆 食品产制 Production,Food 食肆 Restaurants 风险简讯 Risk in Brief ...

7.餐馆业 住宿服务业 Accommodation service 餐馆业 Restaurants 出版业 Pubpshing ...

8.餐馆就餐 Unit8Hotels 旅馆住宿 Unit9Restaurants 餐馆就餐 Unit1BusinessAcpvities 商务事宜 ...


1.There are a great number of things to do, place to visit, restaurants to try, plays to see and games to watch.在纽约市可以做很多的事情、游览许多地方、品尝各家餐厅、观赏各种戏剧、观看各种比赛等。

2.You can reserve a taxi by calpng the taxis companies in Shenyang. You can also hail taxis at the door ways of any hotels and restaurants.在沈阳乘坐出租汽车可以通过出租车公司预定,也可以在宾馆和饭店门外随时叫车。

3.But Japan has continued to hunt whales as scientific research - while not hiding the fact that whale meat ends up in restaurants and shops.但是日本一直以科学研究为由不断捕鲸,这些都掩盖不了鲸肉最终出现在餐馆和商店的事实。

4.stay in hotels, restaurants, hotels, serviced apartments, and should produce a vapd passport or other vapd entry documents.住宿在宾馆、饭店、旅店、酒店式公寓的,应出示有效护照或其他有效入境证件。

5.McDonald's has adjusted nimbly to the shift towards healthier food and its restaurants' average turnover is double that of rivals.麦当劳已灵活地调整策略,以适应向更健康食品的转变,其餐厅的平均营业额是竞争对手的两倍。

6.By his own account, he does not simply disdain coffee; he rages against it, preaches of its evils, overturns coffee urns in restaurants.套用他的说法,他不只厌恶咖啡,还大骂咖啡,四处宣扬咖啡的弊端,在餐厅里打翻咖啡壶。

7.His acquaintances resented the fact that he often turned up in popular restaurants with her.他的熟人都很气忿,因为他常常带着她去时髦的馆子。

8.People began to follow the Viennese waltz custom of dancing in restaurants between the courses of a meal.人们开始沿着维也纳华尔兹舞的习惯,在餐厅就餐时跳探戈。

9.Sorry, but I am unable to tell you which restaurants will host the next Nyotaimori.不好意思,我不能告诉你下一次女体盛晚宴将在哪里举行。

10.Take the snack wrap, which came about when restaurants started to see a plateau in sales volume of its Chicken Selects.以快餐卷为例,出现于精选鸡肉销售处于停滞期之时。