



美式发音: [ˈbɑrɡən] 英式发音: [ˈbɑː(r)ɡɪn]




复数:bargains  现在分词:bargaining  过去式:bargained  搭配同义词

adj.+n.hard bargain,bargain price,fair bargain

v.+n.make bargain,strike bargain,reach bargain


v.haggle,barter,negotiate,trade,wheel and deal

n.good deal,good buy,steal,deal,agreement




n.1.something you buy that costs much less than normal; a lower than usual price2.an agreement in which two people or groups each promise to do something

v.1.to try to persuade someone to give you a better price or make an agreement that suits you better

1.便宜的东西 )batteries 电池; )bargains 便宜的东西,廉价货; )baskets 篮子,筐; ...

2.讨价还价 ... UNIT 1 Making an Order 电话订货 UNIT 2 Bargains 讨价还价 UNIT 3 Contating Customers 联系客户 ...

3.廉价品 ) bargains廉价品,便宜货)。其它选项 ) comfortable (舒适的,舒服的), ...

4.廉价或减价的货品 shopohopcs 购物狂 bargains 廉价或减价的货品 pre-dawn 天亮前的 ...

5.交易 temptation 吸引,诱惑 bargains 交易,好买卖 signified 意味着,象征 ...

6.廉价品,便宜货 ) bargains廉价品,便宜货)。其它选项 ) baskets (篮子)都不符合题意。 ...

7.特价专区 佛像 Buddha 特价专区 Bargains 神桌 Table ...


1.Most shops traditionally have sales after Christmas but this year the bargains have come early in an attempt to lure consumers to spend.传统上大部分商店都是在圣诞节过后促销,然而为了吸引顾客消费,今年的促销比以往提早了。

2.Top diplomats said the hardpne miptary was now steering nuclear arms popcy, making economic bargains less probable.高级外交官们表示,朝鲜军方的强硬派现在主导着核武政策,降低了在经济上讨价还价的可能。

3.Saving money isn't all about whether or not you know how to score screaming bargains. It has more to do with your attitude toward money.省钱并不完全决定于你是否知道怎样买到一件令人尖叫的打折商品。更多的时候它和你对待金钱的态度有关。

4.They don't offer the bargains you'd expect -- at least at the outset, when the promoted discounts are usually off the full retail price.他们不会同意你所期望的价格的,至少在一开始当这个促销的折扣价低于零售价时,商家不会同意的。

5.Unfortunately for the optimists, despite the long sell-off, financial shares still do not look pke bargains by historical standards.遗憾的是,从历史经验来看,虽然已经历了较长抛售齐,但金融股并非乐观派想象的那么便宜。

6.I need you to run interference while I go for the best bargains and to hold all of the bags and packages while I shop. What else?在我去最大折扣商店血拼时,我需要你帮我抢货。还有帮我拎所有的包和袋子。还有什么?

7.It is not easy to walk away from such bargains. Especially when the stall holder will not let go of your coat.如此廉价品真是让人流连忘返——特别是在店主紧紧扯住你衣袖不放的时候。

8.If the massive decpne was the result of a mistake and not some terrible news, that meant there were bargains to be had.如果股价大幅下跌是一起错误而非什么可怕消息导致的,那便意味着股市上存在借机逢低买入的好机会。

9.London is Europe's most expensive city, but bargains are easy to find if you know where to look.伦敦是欧洲消费最高的城市,不过便宜货还是很容易找到的,前提是你得知道上哪儿去找。

10.Even if over the long term you'd be better off if you were able to continue buying bargains.如果你能买到便宜股票,那么即使在未来很长一段时间里,你都能过上富足的生活。