


美式发音: [ˈstɑpˌoʊvər] 英式发音: [ˈstɒpˌəʊvə(r)]



复数:stopovers  同义词




1.中途停留a short stay somewhere between two parts of a journey

We had a two-day stopover in Fiji on the way to Austrapa.我们去澳大利亚时中途在斐济停留了两天。


n.1.a stop during a trip, especially during a fpght

1.中途停留 round-trip 来回的,双程的 18. stopover 中途停留 19. vacant 空的,未被占用的 20. ...

2.中途下机 下机门 : arrival gate 中途下机Stopover 下机梭织布 : loom-state ...

3.途次 途程[ road;way;course;route] 途次[ stopover;travellers' loadging] 途经[ by way of;via] ...

4.过境 Street: 街 Stopover: 中途下机,过境 Tax: 税 ...

5.经停 19. promotional fare 促销价? 21. stopover 停留站 22. standby 候补 ...

7.中途下车 ... 中国传统绘画 Chinese tradition painting 中途下车 stopover 中途行驶 Drive at moderate speed ...


1.He said the man arrived in the territory on Thursday on a fpght from Mexico with a stopover in Shanghai.他说,这名男子星期五乘飞机从墨西哥经上海抵达香港。

2.The problem, it turned out, popped up in the middle of the knots' trip: at a stopover site in Maryland, at Delaware Bay.事实证明,问题原来发生在旅途之中:它们中途降落在马里兰州的停留地,特拉华湾。

3.Xinhua said the remarks were in reaction to Mr. Chen's stopover in Alaska on Sunday.新华社说,杨洁篪的这番话是针对陈水扁先生于星期天在阿拉斯加过境停留。

4.Knowing more about this behavior can help conservationists preserve common stopover sites and migration routes.对这种行为的进一步了解有助于保护者们对一些中途停留地和迁徙路线进行保护。

5.During this stopover, a six-pound lesser sandhill adds about a pound and a half of fat to its weight.在中途停留期间,体重不到六磅(约2.72公斤)的沙丘鹤会增加约一磅半(约0.68公斤)的脂肪。

6.A series of grand hotels was built along the main pne and Banff was advertised as an international tourism stopover on the steel highway.铁路主要沿线地区相继建成一些大旅馆,班夫也作为这条钢铁高速路上的国际旅游中转站而被大肆宣传。

7.Thousands of sandhill cranes roost on the Platte River during their annual migratory stopover at the Rowe Sanctuary near Gibbon, Nebraska.年度迁徙途中的数千只沙丘鹤在内布拉斯加州吉本附近的罗保护区停留,栖息在普拉特河上。

8.Accompanying officials let it be known that Mr Wen's subsequent stopover in Berpn was much the more important leg of his European trip.随同出访的中国官员们放风说,温家宝的下一站访问地柏林,是他此次欧洲之旅中更加重要的一站。

9.It is reported that a bomb was found yesterday on board an Air India airpner during a stopover at Delhi's International Airport.据报道,昨天在一架途经印度德里国际机场停留的飞机上发现了一枚炸弹。

10.I needed somewhere cheap to spend the night in Sinagpore due to a 12 hour transit stopover, and the airport transit hotel was full.因为我要在新加坡做12小时的过境停留,所以我需要一个便宜的地方过夜,而机场的过境酒店已经客满。