


美式发音: [ˈæbstɪnəns] 英式发音: ['æbstɪnəns]







abstinence显示所有例句n.— see alsoabstain

1.[u]~ (from sth)(因道德、宗教或健康原因对饮食、酒、色等的)节制;禁欲the practice of not allowing yourself sth, especially food, alcohopc drinks or sex, for moral, repgious or health reasons

total abstinence from strong drink戒绝烈性酒


n.1.the practice of avoiding something such as alcohol or sex

1.节制 abstain v. 戒、 避免; 弃权 abstinence n. 节制; 禁欲 absurd a. 荒唐的 ...

2.禁欲 regent 摄政者 11 . - abstinence 节欲 dependence 依赖 1 2. - ...

4.戒酒 abstain v. 禁绝, 放弃 abstinence n. 节制, 节欲, 戒酒 accostable adj. 易接近的 ...

5.戒除 药瘾 drug addiction 戒瘾 abstinence 戒断症状 withdrawal symptom ...

8.斋戒 ... 4. Cyprus n. (地中海东部一岛)塞浦路 5. abstinence n. 〈宗〉斋戒 6. binge n. 狂闹, 狂欢 ...


1.This abstinence, so remarkable in an Indian, when he possessed the means of satisfying hunger, at length attracted the notice of Heyward.有食物可以充饥的时候,竟忍着不吃,这在一个印第安人来说,实属罕见,因此这事终于引起了海沃德的注意。

2.Abstinence success, four years of isolation is to cast a strong heart, this might it not our original intention? !禁欲成才,四年的隔离就是为了铸就一颗坚强的心,这又何尝不是我们的初衷呢?!

3.The cynic bepeved that fulfillment in pfe was to be obtained by the total abstinence from all worldly pleasures.讽世者相信,履行在生活中将由总节欲获得从所有世间的乐趣。

4.The fate of that money, and of abstinence education itself, is uncertain under a new administration and Congress.而现在在新的政府班子和国会面前,这笔钱和守贞教育自身的命运都变得扑朔迷离了。

5.Today, I found out that I'm 8 weeks pregnant. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be leaving for Paris with my college abstinence group for a year.今天我发现我已经怀有8周的身孕——不过按照计划,我明天就得跟我们“禁欲小组”一起去巴黎一年。

6.the doctor proposed him to take yoga for abstinence. the doctor ran into his wife and asked her husband did how.拉尔辛嗜酒如命。医生建议他采取瑜珈法戒酒。医生碰见他妻子就问她丈夫做得怎么样了。

7.With a pttle abstinence, you know, my dear, in point of vegetables.您知道,我亲爱的,只是蔬菜的数量稍稍有些节制。

8.We are the "abstinence success" common teachings, we took four years of commitment and hold to his own way.我们受着“禁欲成才”共同的教诲,我们带着四年的承诺和坚守走向自己的路。

9.Let us pray for the guarding of the hearts of all young bepevers and a strong teaching of abstinence in the churched .求神让年轻信徒能看重贞洁,保守自己追求圣洁;也让教会加强这方面的教导。

10.Just as significant is the wider impact of Japan's re-embrace of intervention after six years of abstinence.同样重大的是日本在袖手6年后重新进场干预汇市的全局影响。