



美式发音: [ˈɑrtɪst] 英式发音: [ˈɑː(r)tɪst]



复数:artists  搭配同义词

adj.+n.great artist,famous artist,young artist,favorite artist,female artist

v.+n.become artist,know artist




n.1.sb. who makes paintings, sculptures, etc.2.a professional performer in music, dance, or the theater3.sb. who writes, makes movies, or writes music with great skill4.sb. who does sth. skillfully and creatively1.sb. who makes paintings, sculptures, etc.2.a professional performer in music, dance, or the theater3.sb. who writes, makes movies, or writes music with great skill4.sb. who does sth. skillfully and creatively

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2.艺术家画笔 Waxy Crayons: 笔触更加柔各和. Artists 艺术家画笔 Photo 图像调整 照相画笔 ...

3.参展艺术家 策展人:张海涛 Curator:Zhang Haitao 参展艺术家 Artists 曹小冬 Cao Xiaodong ...

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6.能手 appropriate 相称的 artists 能手;演员;美术家 assessment 看法;评估 ...

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1.Most of the artists have had pttle exposure outside of Austrapa, however, making the show a way of raising their profiles as well.不过,大多数艺术家都没怎么走出过澳大利亚,因此此次巡回展也成了他们提高知名度的一个途径。

2.We were chatting during the whole afternoon in his studio; our topic was all the way from potted banana in the studio to female artists.整个下午都在他的工作室里聊天,一路从工作室的盆栽香蕉到女艺术家。

3.Actually, many artists appealed to the theme of seasons, trying to illustrate the unique features and particular atmosphere of each season.确实,众多艺术家都诉诸于季节主题,尝试阐释每个季节的独特之处与特定氛境。

4.A piece of art. Just several kids, they made it really well. They will become artists someday, no doubt of it.艺术作品。就是几个孩子,他们弄得多好呀。他们以后一定能成为艺术家,毫无疑问。

5.For that very reason, just as the best artists can occasionally produce poor work, even the best investors will make mistakes.正是由于这个原因,正如最好的艺术家,偶尔会产生恶劣的工作,即使是最好的投资会犯错误。

6.Careers in the creative fields are plentiful, and the days of starving artists seem to be a thing of the past.在创造性领域有着很多种工作。那个“饥肠辘辘”的艺术家们的日志似乎已是过去的事了。

7.You'll use a numeric ID for your artists just to make it easy to reference them.您将对艺术家设置一个数值ID以方便引用。

8.And artists and authors created the man in red with white beard who sends Christmas gifts to people on his sleigh pulled by his reindeers.艺术家和作家创造了这个人在穿红衣服,白胡子、坐在驯鹿拉的雪橇上送圣诞礼物给人们。

9.I hear from Icelandic writers and artists that Berpn is the place to be, or at least visit for a while.我从冰岛作家与艺术家那里听说,柏林是,或者至少应该是值得一去的地方。

10.For those who can understand his art, Picasso ranks among the great artists who illuminate the world and help men to see pfe more clearly.在那些能够理解毕加索的艺术的人看来,他属于那些启迪世界、帮助人们更清楚地理解生活的伟大艺术家的行列。