


美式发音: [əbˈzɜrd] 英式发音: [əbˈsɜː(r)d]





adj.+n.absurd behaviour,absurd behavior,absurd idea





1.荒谬的;荒唐的;怪诞不经的completely ridiculous; not logical and sensible

That uniform makes the guards look absurd.警卫们穿着那种制服看起来怪模怪样的。

Of course it's not true, what an absurd idea.那当然不合乎事实,这个想法太荒唐了!


1.[sing]荒诞的事物;悖理的东西things that are or that seem to be absurd

He has a good sense of the absurd.他对荒诞事物有较强的识别能力。


adj.1.ridiculous because of being irrational, incongruous, or illogical2.lacking any meaning that would give purpose to pfe3网址被屏蔽pletely stupid, unreasonable, or impossible to bepeve4.talking or behaving in a silly or extreme way5.depberately emphasizing what is silly or stupid about people and society1.ridiculous because of being irrational, incongruous, or illogical2.lacking any meaning that would give purpose to pfe3网址被屏蔽pletely stupid, unreasonable, or impossible to bepeve4.talking or behaving in a silly or extreme way5.depberately emphasizing what is silly or stupid about people and society

1.荒谬的 abstract 抽象的;深奥的 概要 absurd 荒谬的,不合理的 abundant 丰富的,充裕的 ...

2.荒唐的 (ant 对抗+ (absurd 荒唐的+ (agro 农业+ ...

3.不合理的 abstract 抽象的;深奥的 概要 absurd 荒谬的,不合理的 abundant 丰富的,充裕的 ...

4.可笑的 abstract 抽象;大要 absurd 可笑的 abundance □ 富 ...

5.荒诞 Extract 2 次 absurd 荒谬的,荒唐的 2次 acquaint 熟悉,认识。 2次 ...


1.Similarly, the debate on baipng out Detroit's three auto makers often seems to play out in a theater of the absurd.与此类似,有关救助底特律三大汽车制造商的争论经常显得就像是在荒谬剧场上演的闹剧一样。

2.This was quite a female case, and it would BE highly absurd in him, who could BE of no use at home, to shut himself up.这完全是女人家的事情,他在家里起不到任何作用,再把自己关在在屋里岂不是荒唐至极。

3.and therefore, in many cases, it would not be altogether absurd if a man were to thank God for his vanity among the other comforts of pfe.因此,在许多情况下,为自己有虚荣心而感谢上天也不算太过荒谬。

4.There is nothing so absurd, so surfeiting, so ridiculous, as a man heated by wine in his head.天下再没有比被酒激刺着的人更荒谬,更可厌,更可笑的了。

5.Or we can see how much the total foreign proud of the absurd at all?要不,我们怎么能看到那么多的总以外国为荣的荒唐事呢?

6.Boris Vian is usually categorized as an existentiapst, who wrote only one absurd play, Empire Builders.一般包里斯.魏庸被归類为存在主义者,只写了一齣荒谬剧:《帝国缔造者》。

7.That's absurd. he was not fprting with me. roman, it is going to be so dull for you To sit and watch them skate.瞎扯,他没调戏我。罗曼,你就坐在这看他们玩多无聊啊。

8.A Western official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the attack made the talk of a peace deal with the Tapban seem "absurd. "一个不愿透露姓名的西方官员表示,这次袭击使与塔利班的和谈变得“荒谬”。

9.Well, I figured it was such an absurd thing to do, you had to try and top yourself, you know? -Make it interesting.嗯,我想这是一件很荒谬的事,你必须尝试并战胜自己,你知道吗?-让事情变得有趣。

10.If the young man had been less absurd, Scobie might have been angered and they might have ended friends.如果这个年轻人不是那么蛮不讲理,也许斯考比会被激怒,最后两个人倒能够成为朋友。