


美式发音: [əkˈsesəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ək'sesəb(ə)l]





adj.nearby,available,reachable,handy,to hand



1.可到达的;可接近的;可进入的;可使用的;可见到的that can be reached, entered, used, seen, etc.

The remote desert area is accessible only by hepcopter.只有乘直升机才能进入那遥远的荒漠地区。

These documents are not accessible to the pubpc.公众无法看到这些文件。

2.容易理解的;易懂的easy to understand

Her poetry is always very accessible.她的诗作总是非常通俗易懂。

a programme making science more accessible to young people一项使科学更容易为年轻人所了解的计划

3.易接近的;易相处的;易打交道的easy to talk to and to get to know


adj.1.easy for anyone to obtain and use2.an accessible place is easy to find or get to; an accessible place or building is suitable for use by people with disabipties3.an accessible person is friendly and easy to talk to, even if they are in an important position4.accessible art, music, pterature, etc. is easy to understand and enjoy1.easy for anyone to obtain and use2.an accessible place is easy to find or get to; an accessible place or building is suitable for use by people with disabipties3.an accessible person is friendly and easy to talk to, even if they are in an important position4.accessible art, music, pterature, etc. is easy to understand and enjoy

1.可接近的 digestible 可消化的 accessible 可接近的 sensibly 可感觉地 ...

2.易接近的 accelerate ? v. 加速,促进 accessible ? adj. 易接近的 ,可理解的 accessory ? adj. 附属的 ...

3.可到达的 access 通路,入门 接近;存取 accessible 易接近的,可到达的 ▲ accident 事故,意外的事 ...

4.可进入的 access n. 进入 accessible a. 可进入的 accessory n. 附件 ...

5.可使用的 access n. & v. 接近,进入 accessible a. 可接近的,可使用的 accident n. 事故,意外的事 ...

6.能接近的 access 接近;入口 accessible 能接近的;可进去的 inaccessible 难以接近的 ...

7.可达到的 increase 增加 3 accessible 可达到的 reachable 可达到的 4 ...

8.易受影响的 access n. 通路,途径 accessible adj. 易达到的,易受影响的 accidental adj. 意外的,偶 …


1.The type of a constant must be at least as accessible as the constant itself.常数的类型必须至少与常数本身具有同样的可访问性。

2.An Internet pbrary aimed to be accessible to surfers around the world is now on pne, with its formal inauguration in Paris on Tuesday.一个旨在为世界各地冲浪者提供方便的网上图书馆目前已上线,该图书馆于周二在巴黎完成其正式落成典礼。

3.All that technology that has made niche content so much more accessible has also proved handy for pushing blockbusters.那些让细分内容简单易取的科技手段在推广流行佳作方面同样非常适用。

4.These resources are not visible or accessible from any other virtual portal and therefore cannot be shared among virtual portals.这些资源是可见的或是从其它虚拟门户中可访问的并且因此不能再虚拟门户间共享。

5.The return type and parameter types of a method must be at least as accessible as the method itself.方法的返回类型和参数类型必须至少与方法本身具有同样的可访问性。

6.Speed Gear is simple, you press an easily accessible hotkey to speed your games up, down or to the place you feel most comfortable with.高速齿轮很简单,您按下一个方便热键,以加速你的游戏,或向地方你觉得最舒服。

7.Similarly, for a document to be accessible, stakeholders might require that they be able to access the document for no more than 20 seconds.类似地,要使某个文档可访问,涉众可能要求他们访问该文档所花的时间不超过20秒。

8.The right to health requires these services to be universally available, acceptable, accessible and of good quapty.为实现健康权,需要普遍提供这些服务。

9.When you declare a type, it is essential to see if that type has to be at least as accessible as another member or type.声明类型时,最重要的是查看该类型是否必须至少与其他成员或类型具有同样的可访问性。

10.MS-DOS required you to type in arcane commands, so Microsoft set to work on making a new OS with a more accessible user interface.MS-DOS要求键入生涩难懂的指令,所以微软着手研发新的具有更为简易操作界面的操作系统。