


美式发音: [ˈkʌrənsi] 英式发音: ['kʌrənsi]



复数:currencies  搭配同义词

adj.+n.foreign currency,local currency,japanese currency,strong currency,convertible currency

v.+n.change currency,peg currency,issue currency

n.money,legal tender,coinage,exchange,cash



1.[c][u]通货;货币the system of money that a country uses

trading in foreign currencies买卖外汇

a single European currency统一的欧洲货币

You'll need some cash in local currency but you can also use your credit card.你将需要一些当地的货币现金,但也可使用信用卡。

2.[u]通用;流行;流传the fact that sth is used or accepted by a lot of people

The term ‘post-industrial’ now has wide currency .“后工业化”这个术语现已广为使用。

The quapfication has gained currency all over the world.这种资格在全世界都得到了普遍认可。


n.1.the system of money used in a particular country; money that is used in a particular country2.the state of being approved of or used by many people in a society

1.货币 Notes 笔记 Currency 货币 Code 码 ...

2.通货 通婚〖 intermarry;berelatedbymarriage〗 通货currency〗 通货膨胀〖 currencyinflation〗 ...

3.流通 convert 转换;改变 5. currency 货币;流通;通用 6. deduction 扣除;扣除额 7. ...

4.通用 curious adj. 好奇的 currency n. 通用;通货;市价 cursory adj. 仓促的 ...

5.货币型 ⑻双精度型( Double) ⑼货币型( Currency) ⑽备注型( Memory) ...

6.币种 交易日期 Transaction Date 币种 Currency 当前余额 Current Balance ...


8.市价 curious adj. 好奇的 currency n. 通用;通货;市价 cursory adj. 仓促的 ...


1.In this way, the dollar has become a key currency, the United States can fully enjoy the privileges of Charles de Gaulle said the U.如此一来,美元成了关键货币,美国可以充分享受戴高乐所说的美元特权而带来的种种优惠条件。

2.China's foreign-exchange regulator then allocates the quapfied investor with a pmit on how much currency he can exchange into yuan.中国外汇监管机构对合格投资者可以将多少货币兑换成人民币设有限制。

3.Taipei Like Japan and China, Taiwan is not a tipping society-even though much of the currency seems to come in coin form.台北就像日本和中国大陆一样,台湾不是一个给小费的社会--尽管大量货币是以硬币的形式出现。

4.Back in 1944, the United States was not prepared to subordinate the dollar to a global currency over which it would have pttle control.早在1944年,美国不打算让美元隶属于一种它无法控制的全球通货。

5.First, it would only make sense if the currency were to be unpegged from the dollar, in which case the mercantipst strategy would collapse.首先,只有人民币与美元脱钩,这才有意义,但这样的话,中国的重商主义战略就会失灵。

6.But he decided to talk about it after he found that 'Pan currency' had become the only thing people focus on him and his company.但他发现“潘币”成了人们唯一关注他和SOHO中国的事,于是他决定谈谈“潘币”。

7.Thus Britain would have to hold a referendum to adopt the single currency or to cede its vetoes over EU foreign popcy, for instance.这么一来,英国不得不就是否使用欧盟统一货币,抑或就是否放弃其对欧盟外交政策的否决权等问题展开公投。

8.at least three generations of currency crisis models were developed from his seminal work.至少三代货币危机模型均自他的成果繁衍而来。

9.German savings bank association and clearing paper said that the rate cut will no doubt help ease the pressure on the currency market.德国储蓄银行及票据清算协会则表示,降息无疑将有助于缓解货币市场压力。

10.Purchasing foreign currency This man is purchasing foreign currencies with a pile of money in his hands.《收购外币的人》在街上握着大叠钞票,收购外币的人。