




1.留宿 accelerate \v. 加速, 促进 accomodate \v. 容纳,留宿,使...适应 accompany \vt. 陪伴, 伴奏 ...

2.协调顺应 2. Empathy-- 同感心 3. Accomodate-- 协调顺应 4. Mission-- 使命 ...

3.儒家思想可以去包容al virtue:建立在对平等和互相尊重之上——儒家思想可以去包容(accomodate)这种现代思想,另外为平等和互相尊重的人际 …

4.会去容忍中国崛起之后,美国为了国家利益,会去容忍accomodate)中国,美国有伊拉克问题,又有北韩问题,手脚相当受到限制, …


1.The folks at Crown are confident their pubpshing house is big enough to accomodate all views from the White House.皇冠出版集团的人员相信自己的出版社足以容纳所有来自白宫的意见。

2.The restaurant was more than happy to accomodate our request and the contemporary Itapan was some of the best I have ever had.餐馆非常乐于迎合我们的要求,意大利面是我吃过的最好的当中的一些。

3.The CurCom chair writes up a class schedule at the beginning of each term to accomodate the needs of all students.该curcom主持撰写了上课时间,在每学期初,以容纳所有学生的需要。

4.Ian Ayre specifically consulted with the Premier League who had some discussion with Sky, but neither were able to accomodate our position.伊恩·艾耶尔还专门与联赛委员会之中与天空电视台洽谈的有关人士,但是没有人采纳我们的建议。

5.to accomodate theaters in its interior, since it naturally reflects sound in multiple directions.容纳剧院在其内部,因为它反映了良好的自然在多个方向。

6.The attribute is multi -valued , to accomodate multiple configuration directives.本属性是多值的,可以容纳多个配置指令。

7.And those areas where he was wilpng to accomodate Clegg & Co: lower taxes for low income earners, and reforming the electoral system.至于保守党试图向自民党妥协的地方,声明标示的方面包括低收入者税金降低和选举制度改革。

8.This attractions seat restraints may not accomodate guests with certain body dimensions.此景点座位设计有所限制,可能无法容纳部分客人的体型。

9.It was quite a varied buffet and they try to accomodate all tastes.自助餐菜式多样,酒店尽力包揽所有的口味。

10.root element for scrollable items. Must be absolutely positioned and it should have a extremely large width to accomodate scrollable items.滚动项目的根元素。必须绝对定位和它应该有一个非常大的宽度以容纳滚动项目。