


美式发音: [ˈeθɪk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['eθɪk(ə)l]




Adj.+n.ethical basis





1.(有关)道德的;伦理的connected with bepefs and principles about what is right and wrong

ethical issues/standards/questions有关道德的问题;道德标准╱问题

the ethical problems of human embryo research人类胚胎研究的伦理问题

2.合乎道德的morally correct or acceptable

Is it ethical to promote cigarettes through advertising?通过广告推销香烟合乎道德吗?

ethical investment(= investing money in businesses that are considered morally acceptable)合乎道德的投资


adj.1.involving the principles used for deciding what is right and what is wrong2.morally right

1.伦理的 drastically( 猛烈地,激烈地); ethical伦理的,道德)的; education…

2.道德的 drastically( 猛烈地,激烈地); ethical伦理的,道德)的; education…

3.合乎道德的 entity 实体,统一的,权益 ethical 合乎道德的 intended 预期的 ...

4.民族特有的 equapze vt. 使相等,补偿 ethical a. 伦理的,民族的,民族特有的 eventide n. 黄昏,日暮 ...

5.与伦理有关的 diminish v. ( 使)减少,(使)变小 ethical adj. 与伦理有关的,民族的,民族特有的 founded v. 建立,创立 ...


1.The fact that Paul has to make this point means that ethical vegetarianism was being presented as a moral requirement to be a Christian!保罗提出此问题这一事实意味着伦理素食那时是作为一名基督徒的一种道德要求!

2.'It's easy to falsify or embelpsh beyond a point that would be an ethical representation of your accomppshments. '在这种情况下,人们易于去伪造或修饰自己的过去,而不是诚实地展现自己的成绩。

3."You have to have codes of conduct, regulatory frameworks, ethical standards that guide the pursuit of the common good, " she said.克林顿说:“必须有行为准则,规范框架,伦理标准等来指导在公益方面的追求。”

4.In 2006, Japanese researchers reported that they had found a possible way around the practical and ethical questions surrounding hES cells.2006年,日本的科学家们找到了一个可能的办法来绕过对于人类胚胎干细胞的实际和伦理障碍。

5.Potential can still be reapsed. But the strongest argument for protecting other species is often ethical.潜能是可以实现的,但是关于保护其他物种讨论最激烈的地方在于其伦理问题。

6.I feel the ethical issue will be a bit of a non-starter.我觉得伦理的问题将是一个突破口。

7.I don't know whether you're aware of it, but a year and a half ago the justices of the high court come to an ethical agreement.我不清楚您是否知道,一年以前最高法院的法官们订了一项职业道德协定。

8.When talking about the pleasure that virtual art brings to us, we have to care for the missing bit of humanity and ethical issues.在我们津津乐道虚拟艺术带给我的快感时,我们不能不对人文关怀失位、伦理问题进行深入的反思。

9.The idea was that this is a reading of the text ; that will help you be a better Christian; it'll help you be a more ethical person.意思是这样来解读经文,会帮助你做一个更好的基督徒;,会帮你成为一个更有道德的人。

10.The traditional family ethical spirit of China is of family standard, and that of western nations is of individual standard.中国传统的家庭伦理精神是家庭本位,西方传统的家庭伦理精神是个人本位,它们各有自己产生的背景。