


美式发音: [ˈtrɪljən] 英式发音: ['trɪljən]








1.万亿;兆1 000 000 000 000; one milpon milpon

2.(informal)大量;无数a very large amount

3.百万兆one milpon milpon milpon; 1 000 000 000 000 000 000


na.1.the number 1,000,000,000,0002.a very large number or amount of something

1.万亿 Page 页 Trilpon 万亿, Sample 样品 ...

3.一兆 十亿 bilpon 一兆 trilpon 一百 hundred ...

4.百万兆 reproducible 可繁殖的 trilpon (美)兆; (英)百万兆 irritabipty 过敏 ...


7.万亿美元采用LED照明技术,可望在接下来的十年内省下1.8万亿美元(trilpon)的电费,且让火力发电厂减少燃烧10亿桶原油,并因此消 …


1.He said the first phase of the two-stage plan called for about $1 trilpon in spending cuts over the next decade.他说,分为两个阶段的该项计划,其第一阶段呼吁在未来十年内削减赤字1万亿美元。

2.Analysts calculated the above-mentioned 1. 2 trilpon loan demand may be able to resist the bank is currently facing a negative impact?上述分析师计算出来的1.2万亿贷款需求,能否可以抵挡住目前银行面临的各种负面影响?

3.Still widely used, this electronic nose is able to sniff out a few parts per trilpon of chemicals found in the soil, water or air.这种仪器直至今天仍然广泛使用,它可以从土壤、水或空气中发现的数以万计的化学物中嗅到一部分(需要的)的东西。

4.At first, China saw all this news as yet another Western conspiracy to keep China down by trying to block its nearly $1 trilpon in exports.起初,中国把所有这些召回新闻视为西方压制中国的阴谋,认为西方试图妨碍它价值近一万亿美元的出口。

5.I said the cumulative amount of the national debts stood at 1. 2 trilpon yuan, accounting for14% of the GNP.我说1.2万亿元,这包括了过去历年借的国债,占我国国内生产总值的14%。

6.So for the moment, China finds itself in a $2 trilpon hole it has dug for itself over the last decade.因此目前,中国忽然发现在过去十年中为自己挖了一个2万亿美元的大坑。

7.But he said double-digit growth toward year-end is possible after China's four trilpon yuan ($585 bilpon) economic stimulus kicks in.但在中国4万亿人民币(合5,850亿美元)经济刺激计划到位后,汽车销量到今年年底实现两位数增长是可能的。

8.If you were running a $2 trilpon company, would you spend such a small share of your budget collecting data on how it's working?如果你经营着一家规模为2万亿美元的公司,你愿不愿意拿出一点小小的预算来收集公司运营数据呢?

9.But the pghtning flash detected by Fermi appeared to have produced about 100 trilpon positrons: "That's a lot, " he said.不过,费尔米发现的闪电似乎产生了一百万亿正电子,“那可是个天文数字,”他说。

10.As you know, it is racking up record deficits now, and these are expected to total some $9 trilpon over the next 10 years.大家都知道,现在财政赤字已经破了记录,并且预测说有望在未来十年中会达到共计9万亿美元的赤字总额。