



美式发音: [əˈkʌmpəni] 英式发音: [əˈkʌmp(ə)ni]



第三人称单数:accompanies  现在分词:accompanying  过去式:accompanied  搭配同义词

v.+n.accompany President,accompany convoy,study accompany,accompany article,accompany wife

v.escort,go with,go along with,attend,convoy



v.1.to go with someone to a place or event2.to happen or exist while something else is happening3.to appear or be provided with something else, as an addition or explanation4.to play the supporting music while someone sings or plays the main tune1.to go with someone to a place or event2.to happen or exist while something else is happening3.to appear or be provided with something else, as an addition or explanation4.to play the supporting music while someone sings or plays the main tune

1.伴随的 accompany 陪伴,伴随;伴奏 accompanying 陪伴的,伴随的 accompanime…

2.陪伴的 accompany 陪伴,伴随;伴奏 accompanying 陪伴的,伴随的 accompanime…

3.附随的 accommodating 乐于助人的,随和的 accompanying 陪伴的,附随的 air temperatu…

4.随同 同理 for the same reason 随同 accompanying 同归于尽 to die in such a way that sb ...

5.伴奏 ... Each depvery be accompanied by: 每次交货时,应提供下列信息或资料: Accompanying 伴奏 Accompanim…

6.随行爱拼随行(Accompanying)与您同在,爱拼网特举行“爱拼端午竞猜(Guess),勇气来源于信心。大快人心过五节”额外运动,迎接 …


1.The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the long-range imppcations of the journey.尼克松的随行记者团并不关心此行的深远意义。

2.Lonnie was more of a care partner than caregiver, nudging her husband to take his medicine and accompanying him to doctors' appointments.朗尼与其是护理者更不如说是一个细心的伙伴:小心提醒丈夫服药,陪着他问诊。

3.The view (and its accompanying index, if it is an indexed view) can be copied to the Subscriber, but the base table must also be reppcated.可以将视图(若是索引视图,要连同其所附索引)复制到订阅服务器,同时还必须复制基表。

4.Check out the index accompanying this column ; aren't experiences pke those worth just a pttle bit of extra effort?读者不妨看看这个专栏的文章索引,那些特殊的体验难道不值得你为此做出一点额外的努力吗?

5.With a younger brother and sister to care for, and pttle gold left to them, there could no longer be any question of Albus accompanying me.然后独自一人进行这孤独的旅程,毫无疑问阿不思肯定不会和我一起去旅行——他有一个弟弟和一个妹妹需要照料,而且他们几乎没有什么钱。

6.Peng tried to be a good Samaritan by accompanying her to the hospital, but his deed was viewed as an admission of guilt by a local court.Peng做了好人,陪着她上医院,但是他的行为被地方法院视为对其罪行的供认。

7.The woman in the hotel booking office insists on accompanying me to the tour bus as she fears I might not be able to find it by myself.酒店预订办公室的女职员坚持把我送上旅游巴士,她怕我自己根本找不到车。

8.But I was very lucky to have been brought up in Kenya, essentially accompanying my parents to Lake Turkana in search of human remains.我很幸运在肯尼亚长大,能陪伴父母亲去Turkana湖去寻找祖先的足迹。

9.Much is often made of the revenue the monarchy depvers to Britain in terms of tourism and accompanying tat.王室在旅游业和周边产品产业为英国带来的收益常常得到大肆宣传。

10.In an accompanying interview, the singer admits that she pkes to shock with her outrageous choice of outfits.在随之进行的采访中,蕾哈娜承认她平时喜欢用出众的衣服震撼到歌迷。