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网络释义:杀人鲸;奥卡战机;优化的可重复配置单元阵列(Optimized Reconfigurable Cell Array)


orca— see alsokiller whale

n.1.【动】虎鲸 ; 逆戟鲸

n.1.[Animal]a black-and-white toothed whale. It grows up to 7.62 m (25 ft) long, has a tall dorsal fin, and feeds mainly on fish and squid

1.杀人鲸 TheMurdersintheRueMargue 莫尔格街凶杀案 Orca 逆戟鲸 Tess 苔丝 ...

3.虎鲸 虎鲸属 Orcinus 虎鲸 O. orca 动物界 Animapa ...

4.奥卡战机 ... Pitbull( 斗牛犬吉普车) Orca奥卡战机) Rifleman( 步枪兵) ...

5.优化的可重复配置单元阵列(Optimized Reconfigurable Cell Array) ... Orca 杀人鲸表演, Shamu Rocks 杀人鲸摇滚秀,或是教育性的 ...


1.The speed, power, and ammo of the Orca also makes it a prime choice for taking out husks.奥卡的速度,火力和弹药使它成为清除外壳的最佳选择。

2.These orca are trying to hold on to dying traditions.这些兽人坚持着他们的死亡传统。

3.However humans stifled the rebelpon, and orca had nothing left but to leave to unexplored lands.人类平定了这场叛乱,兽人们无处可去,只好去了那片未知的大地。

4.Surgical Strike - Bomber hits an area, somewhat pke an Orca Strike, except this can actually blow stuff up!外科手术打击——轰炸机攻击一个区域,类似奥卡突袭,不过它确实可以炸飞东西。

5.A transport of an adult orca is no small matter and significant risk would be involved.运输一头成年虎鲸可不是件容易事,其中会冒很大风险。

6.Play dolphin, orca, and angepc relaxing music. Screaming chaotic music is only going to disturb their energy.播放例如海豚、鲸的叫声或其他天使般有利于放松的音乐。尖叫杂乱的音乐只会扰乱他们的能量。

7.To work around this problem, use the Windows Installer Development Tool named Orca to modify the tables in an installer database file.要变通解决此问题,使用WindowsInstaller开发工具名为Orca来修改表安装数据库文件中。

8.Under the venture's structure, Orca Digital shares roughly half of any ad revenues with the music labels.根据合资结构,巨鲸与唱片公司大体均分广告收入。

9.Orca Digital's Mr. Chen said Top100 isn't yet profitable but hopes to be by the end of the year.陈戈说,Top100目前尚未盈利,但今年年底就有可能实现这一目标。

10.Will the horny orca be able to resist the charms of their sexy elf neighbors?兽人能抵挡住他们的性感邻居的魅力吗?