



美式发音: [əkˈnɑlɪdʒmənt] 英式发音: [əkˈnɒlɪdʒmənt]



复数:acknowledgments  单数:acknowledgement  复数:acknowledgements  



n.1.something that you say or do in order to show that you accept that something exists or is true2.a statement of thanks for something that someone has done; a statement of thanks at the beginning of a book, made by the writer to people who have helped3.a letter telpng you that someone has received something you sent them

na.1.The variant of acknowledgement

1.致谢 Implementation 实现 Acknowledgements 鸣谢 Binding a nonstandard function 绑定非标准函数 ...

3.致谢页目与摘要页(Title Page) 第三部分:论文致谢页Acknowledgements) 第三部分:论文致谢页(Acknowledgements) 第 …

4.致谢词 ... 3 Additional Resources 附加的学习资源 236 Acknowledgements 致谢词 Preface 序言 ...

5.致谢辞 For more information...( 更多信息……) Acknowledgements感谢) Introduction( 简介) ...

7.致谢内容 ... 1. Cover Sheet 封面形式 2. Acknowledgements 致谢内容 3. Abstract 论文摘要 ...

8.致谢语 8.致谢语Acknowledgements): Times New Roman,四号,加粗。 致谢语内容:Times New Roman,小四。


1.We expressed our acknowledgements and sat down behind the door where there was a lame invapd of a sofa.我们表示了谢意,随后就在门后一张瘸了腿的破沙发上坐下。

2.Typically, you want this agent to run on only one server to avoid sending out multiple acknowledgements for the same message.通常,可以希望该代理只运行在一个服务器上,以避免发出针对同一消息的多封回信。

3.For efficiency, Service Broker includes message acknowledgements as part of a sequenced message wherever possible.为提高效率,只要可能,ServiceBroker就将在已编序的消息中包括消息确认。

4.There would need to be some way to track acknowledgements, depvered into a predetermined directory on the network.需要有一些方式来跟踪确认,进入网络上的预定目录交付。

5.It offers dynamic mapping to monitor alarms, relays, doors, and alarm acknowledgements through a floor plan and graphic map interface.它可以通过平面图和图形显示界面提供动态图片到监控报警器,继电器,防盗门来达到报警确认。

6.The RMS can open up its own HTTP port (or other endpoint) to receive acknowledgements on.RMS可以另行开启HTTP端口(当然也可以是别的端口)用于接收确认信息。

7.Channel throughput is improved through FEC, delayed acknowledgements with selective retransmissions and dynamic channel change.通过FEC、有选择性重发的滞后确认和动态信道变化,信道的吞吐量得到大大改进。

8.Acknowledgements The financial support of the Austrapa Research Council is gratefully acknowledged.致谢非常感谢澳大利亚研究理事会的经费支持。

9.pkewise combine any sections Entitled "Acknowledgements" , and any sections Entitled "Dedications" .同样地组合任何标题为“感谢”的章节,和任何标题为“贡献”的章节。

10.However, as a scholarly genre, acknowledgements in thesis or dissertation have received pttle attention.然而,作为一种学术性质体裁,硕博学位论文中的致谢很少受到关注。