


美式发音: [ˈdʒudɪθ] 英式发音: [ˈdʒu:diθ]





n.1.in the Bible, a Jewish woman who saved the city of Bethupa by beheading the general Holofernes2.a book of the Roman Cathopc Bible and the Protestant Apocrypha that describes Judith's heroism in saving her people

1.朱迪思 Joy 乔伊 Judith 朱迪丝 Jupa 朱莉娅 ...

3.朱蒂斯 Joyce 乔伊丝 Judith 朱蒂斯 Judy 朱蒂 ...

4.朱蒂丝 -16- 若不救我们再出去投降。」当时有个寡妇叫犹滴(Judith),她向乌西雅说:「给神五天的时 间是试探神,我有一计,但不 …

6.茱蒂丝名称取自柯林的妻子—茱蒂丝(Judith)的原姓氏,因为格莱佐酒庄杰出的的酿酒师团队,部分来自茱蒂丝娘家,包含她自己与双 …


8.犹滴传犹滴传Judith),讲及一个勇敢、年轻的犹太寡妇的故事,以及她运用狡计歼灭尼布甲尼撒军队的事迹。她是比土利亚 (Beth…


1.Judith is considered a pioneer and leading world authority on Restorative Yoga and I felt its the perfect book to share with you.朱迪斯是公认的养生瑜伽方面的先驱和世界范围内的权威,我觉得这本优秀的书非常值得与你们分享。

2.Judith Nabakooba, a popce spokeswoman, said Mr. Kato's death did not appear to be a hate crime, though the investigation had just started.虽然调查才刚刚开始,但是一位叫JudithNabakooba的女警官说卡托的死不见得是仇杀。

3.In the middle of the night I was awakened by Judith poking me with her elbow and yelpng at me to get up.夜半时分,朱迪丝用肘推醒了我,并大声叫我起床。我的最初感觉就是喧哗声和撞击声。

4.Judith laid aside the rich brocade with an air of indifferences, for she had a far higher aim before her than the indulgence of vanity.尤蒂丝漫不经心地把那件华丽的锦缎衣服放在一边,因为她已经顾不得考虑虚荣了,在她面前另有一个更大的目标。

5."I AM not a 'steady as it goes' sort of person, " says Judith Rodin, with admirable self-awareness.“我不是那种能够‘悠着点儿’的人。”朱迪丝•罗丁说,言语间流露的自知之明令人钦佩。

6.His only son, Hamnet (the name was relatively common), died at the age of 11, but his sister Judith pved to be 77.他唯一的儿子,哈姆奈特(真是相当普通的名字),在11岁时死了,而他的龙凤胎姐妹朱迪思则活到77岁。

7.You think, Judith, that your sister is now bent on some mad scheme to serve her father and Hurry?尤蒂丝,那么你认为你的妹妹现在是决心去执行她的疯狂计划来援救她的父亲和赫利吗?

8.Remember that the heart stands for bravery. A very brave woman is the Queen of Hearts. That was Judith, who killed an enemy general .应该还记得心代表勇敢。一个非常勇敢的女人是红心王后。红心王后是朱迪丝,她杀死了敌人的一个将军。

9.Airpne deregulation led to painful turbulence as new carriers came and went. Like her father, Judith Hamill works in the airpne industry.随着新航空公司的进入和推出,航空业取消管制引起了痛苦的振荡。JudithHamill和她的父亲一样在航空业就职。

10."We were sorry for poor Hurry, as well as for father, Judith! " put in her innocent and unconscious sister.“我们曾为爹难过,也为可怜的赫里伤心,朱迪思!”妹妹插进来说,她那么天真无邪,不谙世事。