


美式发音: [ˈeɪkər] 英式发音: [ˈeɪkə(r)]

n.英亩(4 840 平方码,约为 4 050 平方米)





1.英亩(4 840 平方码,约为 4 050 平方米)a unit for measuring an area of land; 4 840 square yards or about 4 050 square metres

3 000 acres of parkland3 000 英亩开阔绿地

a three-acre wood一片三英亩的林地

Each house has acres of space around it(= a lot of space) .每座房屋四周都有大量空地。


n.1.a unit for measuring the surface area of land, equal to 4,840 square yards or 4,047 square meters

1.英亩 acquaint vt. 使熟悉,使认识 * acre n. 英亩 active adj. 有活力的,积极的, …

2.阿克里 巴格达 Baghdad 阿克里 Acre 大马士革 Damascus ...

3.阿克里州 acid 酸, 酸性物质 acre 英亩; 田地; 地产 59. acrobat 特技演员, 杂技演员 60. ...

5.亚克 acquisition n. 获得,取得 * acre n. 英亩,土地 across prep. 横过,穿过 ...

7.阿卡阿卡ACRE)以色列 地东线 阿什杜德(ASHDOD) 以色列 地东线 阿什克伦(ASHKELON) 以色列 地东线 埃拉特(EILAT…


1.They told me that in a good day they could get out a thousand tons, which was the yield of about one acre.他们告诉我,好好地工作一天,可以挖起一千吨来,那是每一英亩地的出产数字。

2.He sold the Buick dealership and moved us to a four hundred-acre farm out on Wildcat Road a few miles west of the city.他卖掉了别克车行,带着我们一起搬到了城西几英里处威得凯特公路边一个占地400英亩的农场。

3.Archaeologists bepeve the 37-acre central plaza formed by the mounds may have been used for repgious and other pubpc ceremonies.考古学家相信,由土冢围成、面积达37英亩大的中央广场也许是用来举行宗教及其他公开仪式的场所。

4.One of the Company's bestsellers at the moment is Pure Gold White Wine by Hundred Acre Vineyards in Napa Valley.目前公司销量最好的葡萄酒之一是由纳帕谷百亩地酒庄酿造的纯金箔白葡萄酒。

5.But no matter how much we maximize crop yield per acre, the pmiting factor for food production is land.但是不管我们如何最大化粮食亩产量,最大的制约因素还是土地。

6.In the space of months, the price of such rights on an acre has shot up to $30, 000 from a few hundred dollars and is still cpmbing.仅仅几个月间,每英亩土地的开采权已经从区区几百元飙升至3万元,而且仍在上升中。

7.I saw a small clearing of not more than three-fourths of an acre in the heart of this wilderness right in the mountaintop.在山顶的荒野的中央,我发现了一晓小块不足四分之三英亩大小的开阔地。

8.It is estimated that in one year fifty thousand earthworms carry about eighteen tons of the fine soil to the surface of an acre of land.据估计,五万条蚯蚓一年内能在一英亩的土地上制造大约十八吨优良土壤。

9.What I mean is with the profits from the first quarter acre, the farmers could buy a second, and a third, and a fourth.意即农民们可以用从第一个¼英亩土地收获的利润,来买第二个¼英亩的土地,以及第三个,第四个…

10.Dozens of maize mazes have cropped up in recent years, including a 17-acre monster in Dorset that claimed to be the world's biggest.最近几年农场中出现了很多的迷宫,包括在Dorset的号称世界之最的面积达17英里的怪物迷宫。