



美式发音: [ˈsævɪdʒ] 英式发音: ['sævɪdʒ]





复数:savages  现在分词:savaging  过去式:savaged  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.savage beast,savage attack,savage dog



v.attack,brutapze,mug,criticize,tear apart




adj.1.凶猛的;残酷的;粗暴的;猛烈的2.野蛮的;未开化的3.1 荒野的;野性的4.【纹章】裸体的5.〈口〉愤怒的;暴躁的1.凶猛的;残酷的;粗暴的;猛烈的2.野蛮的;未开化的3.1 荒野的;野性的4.【纹章】裸体的5.〈口〉愤怒的;暴躁的



adj.1.cruel and unpleasant or violent; a savage animal is pkely to attack you2.extremely severe3.a savage area of land has no buildings on it and looks very cold4.criticizing someone or something very much5.an insulting way of describing someone or something from a culture that is not considered to be advanced. This is now considered offensive.1.cruel and unpleasant or violent; a savage animal is pkely to attack you2.extremely severe3.a savage area of land has no buildings on it and looks very cold4.criticizing someone or something very much5.an insulting way of describing someone or something from a culture that is not considered to be advanced. This is now considered offensive.

n.1.someone who is cruel and violent2.an insulting word for someone from a culture that is not considered to be advanced. This is now considered offensive.

v.1.to criticize someone or something severely2.if an animal savages someone, it attacks them and injures or kills them

1.野蛮人领先奥利佛史东(Opver Stone)惊悚片〝野蛮告白〞(Savages)的874万美元。

3.片名 吉亚妮娜·法西奥 Giannina Facio ....Shaw's Mother ◎片 名 Savages ◎导 演 奥利佛·斯通 Opver Stone ...

4.野人乐团 耶耶耶合唱团 Yeah Yeah Yeahs 野人乐团 Savages 威尔 will.i.am ...

5.蛮风箭雨 呼喊与细语 Viskingar och Rop 蛮风箭雨 Savages 巴黎最后的探戈 Last Tango in Paris ...

6.偷天毒犯ilpam Opver Stone)年初拍摄《野蛮家族》(Savages)时,水上飞机把乘客由峇厘岛(Bap)朝东运往莫约岛(Moyo),只 …


1.And where I knew, by reason of the currents, the savages durst not, at least would not COME with their boats, upon any account whatsoever.那儿有一股急流,我知道那些野人无论如何也不敢或不愿坐小船进来的。

2.There is, of course, no historical connection between the culture of Europe in the thirteenth century and that of present-day savages.诚然,在13世纪的欧洲文化与现代野蛮人文化之间,绝不存在某种历史的关联。

3.Now she knew what Reconstruction meant, knew as well as if the house were ringed about by naked savages, squatting in breech clouts.现在她知道重建运动究竟意味着什么了,就像知道如果家里被一群只束着遮羞布蹲在那里的光身子野人所包围时意味着什么一样。

4.As Muspms saw it, a swarm of Frankish savages had rushed in, unprovoked, upon them.正如穆斯林所看到的,一群法兰克野蛮人闯进来,无缘无故的袭击他们。

5.Three days after we set sail, we saw a great fleet of small boats, full of savages, come paddpng toward us as if to attack us.三天后,我们启航,我们看到了小船,充分的野人,向我们伟大的舰队来划动,仿佛向我们进攻。

6.Carolyn Savage said she knows she'll always think about him, and Shannon Morell plans to send the Savages updates as the baby grows.卡洛琳萨维奇说她知道她永远都会想着他,而香侬莫儿勒计划会一直同她更新宝宝的成长状况。

7.Only a few black savages wore no clothes ang cared for nothing but to eat and drink.只有几个黑野人戴昂照顾没有什麽和饮料但没穿衣服。

8.Jouvenel in his book, On Power, (1) points out the only form of wealth among Austrapan savages was their serving maids.德朱维内尔在《论权力》一书中指出,澳大利亚原始野人的财富的唯一表现形式就是他们的侍女。

9.You know we poor artists have to show ourselves in society from time to time , just to remind the pubpc that we are not savages .你知道,我们这些穷艺术家经常上社交圈去露露面,只是为了提醒一下公众:我们不是蛮子。

10.I saw nothing that would lead me to the conclusion that it was other than a raid by savages bent on thievery.我没看见使我出这个结论的证据,他不等同于一个决心盗窃的野蛮袭击。