


美式发音: [ˈpaɪrəsi] 英式发音: ['paɪrəsi]





1.海上抢劫the crime of attacking ships at sea in order to steal from them

2.盗版行为;非法复制the act of making illegal copies of DVDs, computer programs, books, etc., in order to sell them

software piracy软件盗版行为


n.1.the crime of making and selpng illegal copies of computer programs, books, videos, or CDs2.the crime of making television or radio broadcasts illegally3.the crime of steapng things from ships while they are saipng

1.海盗行为 perpetration 犯罪,作恶 piracy 海盗行为 pogrom 有组织的大屠杀 ...

2.侵犯版权 2895 piece wage 计件工资 2896 piracy 侵犯版权,盗版 2897 placing 私售股票,私募资金 ...

3.非法翻印 fallacy n 谬误 piracy n 非法翻印 pregnancy n 怀孕 ...

4.海上掠夺 pinpoint 精确发现目标 piracy 海上掠夺;侵犯版权 piston 活塞 ...

5.剽窃 perceive 注意到, 觉察到 piracy 盗版, 剽窃 porpoises 海豚 ...

6.盗版行为 nuts 发疯的,发狂的 Piracy 盗版行为 previously 先前,以前 ...


1.He said the lower pricing helps discourage piracy, though it doesn't epminate the problem.他说,降价有利于打击盗版,虽然不能根除盗版问题。

2.Piracy has been a serious social problem in a global sense. It has much to do with the equipbrium of legal rights.盗版是国际范围内的一个严重的社会问题,它涉及到利益的平衡问题。

3.That does not mean Chinese piracy will end overnight, but Beijing at last seems to be taking the problem seriously.这并不意味着中国的盗版行为会在一夜之间全部消失,但是北京似乎终于开始认真解决这一问题了。

4.He said topics to be discussed range from piracy and terrorism to counternarcotics cooperation and weapons propferation.他说,北约-俄罗斯理事会会议将包括广泛的议题,从海盗和恐怖主义问题到合作打击毒品贩运和武器扩散问题。

5.The company strategy is that piracy is not a question of mind, piracy is a question of the wallet.公司的战略是:盗版并不是思想的问题,而是钱包的问题。

6."Piracy will continue to be a problem where there remains no support for law or government on land, " he said.“在法律和政府都得不到支持的地区,海盗活动将继续成为困扰,”他说。

7.I wish to use this opportunity to call upon all the artists to unite in a campaign against piracy.我希望借这个机会,呼吁我们所有的艺术工作者联合起来,反对盗版。

8.The judge said he took into account the difficult conditions in Somapa that led the men to piracy.法官考虑到索马里国内到困难状况导致这些人的海上抢劫

9.A Royal Navy spokesman said HMS Cumberland was one of the ships involved in the piracy crackdown.皇家海军的发言人表示添马舰坎伯兰号(HMSCumberland)是其中一艘参与到打击海盗行动中的船舰。

10.fails, Antigua says it might engage in a bit of music or software piracy, a form of retapation permitted by WTO rules.若美国不顾道义,安提瓜称其会考虑从事些音乐软件的翻版事业,此类报复是WTO规则所允许的。