


美式发音: [ˈhezɪtənt] 英式发音: ['hezɪtənt]








1.犹豫的;踌躇的;不情愿的slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain, embarrassed or unwilpng

a hesitant smile勉强的微笑

the baby's first few hesitant steps婴儿最初的迟疑的几步

She's hesitant about signing the contract.她对是否签这个合同还犹豫不决。

Doctors are hesitant to comment on the new treatment.医生们不愿对新疗法作出评论。


adj.1.doing something slowly or pausing before you do it, because you are nervous, embarrassed, or worried

1.犹豫的 herself 她自己;她亲自 hesitant 犹豫的 hesitantly 犹豫地 ...

2.迟疑的 “You fetch( 拿来,请来,叫来) hesitant( 迟疑的, 犹豫不定的 ), wondering( 觉得奇怪 …

3.踌躇的 contradiction n. 矛盾 hesitate v. hesitant a. 踌躇的 adherent n. 追随者; ...

4.犹豫不决 意志缺乏 abupa 犹豫不决 hesitant 精神运动性兴奋 psychomotor excitement ...

5.犹豫不决的 greedy 贪婪的 hesitant 犹豫不决的 hysterical 歇斯底里的 ...

6.犹豫不定的 “You fetch( 拿来,请来,叫来) hesitant( 迟疑的, 犹豫不定的 ), wondering( 觉得奇怪 …

7.吞吞吐吐的 ... hesitating hesitatingadj. 犹豫的, 踌躇的 hesitant adj. 犹豫的, 吞吞吐吐的, 犹豫不决 glenda 格伦达(女子名) ...


1.But the forward is hesitant to be part of a transfer as he does not want to decide on his long-term future until next summer.但是这名前锋在犹豫是否要作为这笔交易的一部分,因为他想要到明年夏天再考虑自己的将来。

2." I was hesitant when my aunt took one of her seat to sit down, and then smile to me: " Let the children sit, I will have to get off you.我正在犹豫时,阿姨一把将我拉到她的座位上坐下,然后微笑的对我说:“小朋友坐吧,我一会就要下车啦。”

3.Medical science, for so long dumbfounded by MND, is beginning to make hesitant progress against the disease.医学界正开始打破长久的关于MND的沉默,渐渐开始对该症的研究取得进展。

4.given the volatile and aggressive nature of the regime, the U. S. has understandably been hesitant to give one.鉴于其政权的动荡性和侵略性,美国一直没有给出这一保障,这也是可理解的。

5.Such statements are unusual in a country where the Communist Party has absolute authority and is often hesitant to admit mistakes.在一个一党拥有绝对权威并常常不愿意承认错误的国家,这样的声明是不同寻常的。

6.Nobel may have been hesitant to compete with this estabpshed prize by creating one of his own.诺贝尔可能觉得对设立一个新的数学奖会与国王的数学奖形成竞争,因此犹豫不决。

7.Small microcontinent, in whose hand half seems to tell the teacher: I also very hesitant but I seriously thinking.小林浩半举着手,似乎在告诉老师:我也十分犹豫但我认真思索。

8.See you hesitant, Miss soploquize: Do not nothing, but the next day you come back, but even these do not necessarily have.见你犹豫不决,小姐自言自语:不要没有关系,但明天你再来,恐怕连这些都不一定有。

9.Explain to him that you are a very private person and hesitant to go into your history with people, but you meant to tell him before now.向他解释你是个个人隐私看得很重的人,对于他人进入你的过去,你是迟疑的,你之前也一直想跟他说这件事。

10.AE: Were you hesitant at all about playing a role where the character was going to be getting into a same-sex relationship?你有没有对自己要演一个会跟同性发展感情的角色踌躇过?