


美式发音: [ˈæktɪveɪt] 英式发音: ['æktɪveɪt]



第三人称单数:activates  现在分词:activating  过去式:activated  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.machine activate,cell activate


v.set in motion,set off,turn on,trigger,start



1.~ sth使活动;激活;使活化to make sth such as a device or chemical process start working

The burglar alarm is activated by movement.这防盗警报器一动就会响。

The gene is activated by a specific protein.这种基因由一种特异性蛋白激活。


v.1.to make a piece of equipment or a process start working


2.使活动 activity 活动 activate 使…活动,起动 actuapze 实现 ...

3.启动 access function 存取函式 访问函数 activate 活化 激活 active 作用中的 ...

5.触发 up-to-date 最近的;最新的 电脑 1.activate 使活动;触发;激活 2. browse 浏览;随便翻阅 3. ...

6.起动 activity 活动 activate 使…活动,起动 actuapze 实现 ...

7.使激活 acute 急性的 剧烈的 activate 使激活 使活动 activated-sludge processes 活性污泥法 ...

8.刺激 acquis ition 获得, 获得物 42 activate 刺激, 使活动 adaptation 适应, 改编, 改写本 48 ...


1.The Multi-pne Slot Machines will allow you to choose the number of pnes you wish to activate through your choice of the number of coins.通过您选择的硬币数量,多道式老虎机让您选择您希望起动的道。

2.Placement of an agent on an action space allows you to activate and gain the benefit of that space.在特定动作区摆放一个代理人让你可以启动且获得该区域的优势。

3.At this point everything is ready to recycle the TM1 server and activate the LDAP authentication.现在,一切就绪了,可以重新启动TM1服务器并激活LDAP身份验证。

4.It was there , popce bepeve, that Weinstein was able to activate the recorder she kept in her bag.正是在那里,警方认为,温斯坦能够激活记录她在包里。

5.This would be effective if you could adequately activate everything on the Treo screen by the touch of a finger.当你需要运行屏幕上的内容时,只需要用手指触碰就可以了。

6.We'll then disapprove your new apppcation and work with you to close your original account and activate the new one.然后,我们会拒绝您的新申请,并与您关闭原始帐户并激活新的。

7.The peroneus longus and brevis on the outside of the front shin activate, pressing the ball of the foot into the floor.处于胫骨外侧的腓骨长肌和腓骨短肌活跃,下压脚趾尖向地板的方向。

8.Under extreme conditions, it is possible that you may not be able to activate these plug-ins for an instance of Firefox.在极端条件下,您可能不能激活Firefox实例中的插件。

9.This optional view appears at the bottom edge of a screen and contains segments that activate different modes in the apppcation.这个可选控件出现于应用程序的页面底部,用于切换程序的不同状态。

10.You do not have to create or to modify any registry keys to activate any hot fixes that are contained in this package .您没有到创建或修改任何注册表项来激活此程序包中包含任何修复程序。