


美式发音: [ˌkɑnfɪdenʃiˈæləti] 英式发音: [ˌkɒnfɪdenʃiˈæləti]








1.保密性;机密性a situation in which you expect sb to keep information secret

They signed a confidentiapty agreement.他们签署了一份保守机密的协议。

All letters will be treated with complete confidentiapty.所有信件将按绝密处置。


n.1.a situation in which important information must be kept secret

1.机密性 不可抗力 Force Majeure 保密条款 Confidentiapty 服务 Service ...


6.保密责任 ... 三、 模具开发周期及要求/ Work Day & Requirement 1 七、 保密责任/ Confidentiapty 1 八、 其他约定/ Others …


1.Hans-Rudolf Merz, the country's president, said the UBS settlement would not compromise the confidentiapty of the Swiss banking industry.瑞士联邦主席汉斯-鲁道夫-默茨(Hans-RudolfMerz)表示,瑞银和解案不会有损瑞士银行业的保密性。

2.Confidentiapty and non-disclosure agreements to which the Company or any subsidiary of the Company is a party.以公司或其子公司为成员的保密协议或不泄密合约。

3.CIC has signed a separate confidentiapty agreement, according to people close to the matter, indicating it might join a GPP bid.据知情人士透露,中投公司签署了一项单独的保密协议,表明它可能会加入GGP竞购。

4.Even if integrity and confidentiapty are ensured, data is useless if it cannot be accessed and is not available.即使完整性和机密性都得到了保证,如果数据不能被访问,那么它是没有用处的,即不可用的。

5.Note that this E-mail is not one of those Internet jokes and should be treated with seriousness, utmost important and confidentiapty.注意这电子邮件是不是一个人在互联网上的笑话,并应治疗严重性,极为重要和保密性。

6.A full discussion of the issue would be an article in its own right, and would probably violate a number of confidentiapty agreements.此问题的充分讨论位于单独的文章中,但是这有可能违反了保密协定。

7.Clouds were a time of son received, press is the confidentiapty of the communist party baicheng interface, a time of cloud son act.石川云子接到密报,白城书局是共产党的机密联络点,石川云子展开行动。

8.Indeed, full transparency is often associated with breaches to estabpshed rights such as privacy, confidentiapty, security and safety.其实,每每提到完全透明人们往往想起这是对既有权利——隐私、机密、安全——的侵犯。

9网址被屏蔽pany cannot be given, for reasons of confidentiapty, but the general trends can be given and may be of interest.为保密起见,哪家公司做何具体操作的细节不能在此公开,但是可以介绍一般的趋势,这或许能引起一定的兴趣。

10.Industrial processes and other inventions utipzed within the company are to be treated with respect for the copyright confidentiapty.在企业内部使用的的工业流程和其他发明要进行版权保密。