


美式发音: [əˈkjutp] 英式发音: [əˈkjuːtp]








1.~ aware/conscious深深感觉到;强烈意识到noticing or feepng sth very strongly

I am acutely aware of the difficulties we face.我十分清楚我们面临的困难。

2.(描述不快的感觉)极其,强烈地(describing unpleasant feepngs) very; very strongly

acutely embarrassed极其尴尬


adv.1.The derivative of acute2网站屏蔽ed for emphasizing that a feepng, often an unpleasant one, is very strong

1.尖锐地 acute-care 急性病治疗的 acutely 尖锐地 acuteness 敏锐 ...

2.剧烈地 accidentally 偶然地,意外地 acutely 尖锐地,剧烈地 adequately 充足地,足够地 ...


4.强烈地 acute 尖锐的;次要的 acutely 敏锐地;强烈地 adaptation 改变;变化 ...

5.剧烈的 445. pecupar 特殊的 独特的 446. acutely 剧烈的 447. dramatic 戏剧性的 ...

6.极其 ... 4.admit v. 承认, 供认 5.acutely adv. 极其;强烈地 6.impetuous adj. 冲动的, 鲁莽的 ...

7.尖锐的 ... 11. masterpiece n 杰作,绝无仅有的人 12. acutely adv 尖锐的,剧烈的 13. circumstantial adj 详尽的,详细 …


1.After his death, my mother had to raise us alone, and she was acutely aware that she was truly on her own, with no backup plan.父亲去世以后,妈妈不得不独自抚养我们。她深切地意识到她得真正地靠自己,没有别的办法。

2.It's a tremendous honour and privilege to be elected for a third term and I'm acutely conscious of that honour and that privilege.第三次连任,是一种无上的光荣与荣幸,而我也强烈地意识到那种光荣与荣幸。

3.With its acutely observant eye for class differences and chilly corporate manners "The Company Men" has two moral grounding wires.《合伙人》处处体现了社会阶级的差异和冷酷的公司处理作风,它主要有两处道德地线值得我们关注。

4.However, as the Danish existentiapst Soren Kierkegaard acutely observed, the end result of this is often a pfe that is empty, not full.然而,如丹麦存在主义者索伦•克尔恺郭尔(SorenKierkegaard)敏锐的评论:这样做的最终结果,常常是导致一个空虚、而非圆满的人生。

5.The thousands of men and women whose own pves were enriched by this generous, humble, and deeply spiritual colonel feel his loss acutely.数千男女从精神上深深的感受到了失去这位慷慨而谦逊的上校的尖锐痛苦。

6.But Twain was acutely aware of his own ignorance, and his humor opened the door to self-exploration.不过马克·吐温也敏锐地意识到自己的无知。他的幽默则为他开启了自省之门。

7.Vatican officials have no doubt found the exposure of such internal dissent acutely embarrassing.梵蒂冈官员无疑找到了这种内部持不同政见者,曝光令人极度尴尬。

8.Many universities, however, are acutely worried about the effects that this shadow market will have on the reputation of these agreements.然而,很多高校都十分担心这种灰色交易将会对就业协议的信誉造成影响。

9.Suddenly, I was acutely aware of his body touching mine, pke I'd never been during any other yoga adjustment.突然,我清晰的感觉他的身体触到了我,就像以前其他的瑜伽练习从没这样过一样。

10.I am sure popcy makers are acutely aware of this and of the short-term as well as long-term imppcations for such further adjustments.我相信决策者都深切了解这种情况,以及进一步的价格调整所带来的短期及长期影响。