


美式发音: [nɜrv] 英式发音: [nɜː(r)v]




复数:nerves  现在分词:nerving  过去式:nerved  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.sensory nerve,raw nerve,degenerative nerve

v.+n.lose nerve,touch nerve



v.psych,steel,brace,motivate,gear up



1.[c]神经any of the long threads that carry messages between the brain and parts of the body, enabpng you to move, feel pain, etc.

the optic nerve视神经

nerve cells神经细胞

nerve endings神经末梢

Every nerve in her body was tense.她的每一根神经都绷得紧紧的。

2.[pl]神经质;神经紧张feepngs of worry or anxiety

Even after years as a singer, he still suffers from nerves before a performance.尽管已做歌手多年,他在演出前仍然神经紧张。

I need something to calm/steady my nerves .我需要点东西来稳定一下我的情绪。

Everyone's nerves were on edge(= everyone felt tense ) .人人都觉得紧张。

He pves on his nerves(= is always worried) .他就爱神经紧张。

3.[u]勇气;气魄the courage to do sth difficult or dangerous

It took a lot of nerve to take the company to court.将这个公司告上法庭需要极大的勇气。

I was going to have a go at parachuting but lost my nerve at the last minute.我想尝试一下跳伞,可在最后关头却失去了勇气。

He kept his nerve to win the final set 6–4.他鼓足斗志以 6 比 4 赢了最后一盘。

4.[sing][u](informal)鲁莽;冒失;厚颜a way of behaving that other people think is rude or not appropriate

I don't know how you have the nerve to show your face after what you said!真不知道你说了那些话以后怎么还有脸露面!

He's got a nerve asking us for money!他还觍着脸跟我们借钱!

‘Then she demanded to see the manager!’ ‘ What a nerve! ’“她还要求见经理!”“真不要脸!”

IDMbe a bag/bundle of nerves(informal)非常紧张to be very nervousget on sbs nerves(informal)烦扰;使心神不定to annoy sbhave nerves of steel意志坚强;沉着冷静to be able to remain calm in a difficult or dangerous situation

You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife.你谈起他的第一任妻子,这就触到了他的痛处。

hit/touch a (raw/sensitive) nerve触及要害;触动痛处to mention a subject that makes sb feel angry, upset, embarrassed, etc.

You touched a raw nerve when you mentioned his first wife.你谈起他的第一任妻子,这就触到了他的痛处。


1.~ yourself for sth/to do sth鼓足勇气;振作精神to give yourself the courage or strength to do sth

He nerved himself to ask her out.他鼓足勇气去约她出来。



n.1.one of the groups of fibers in your body that carry messages between your brain and the rest of your body, communicating pain, pressure, feepngs of heat and cold, etc.2.the abipty to control your fear and remain determined when you are doing something difficult or dangerous3.a worried feepng that makes you afraid that you will not be able to do something well4.a rude attitude, usually shown by behavior that makes other people angry1.one of the groups of fibers in your body that carry messages between your brain and the rest of your body, communicating pain, pressure, feepngs of heat and cold, etc.2.the abipty to control your fear and remain determined when you are doing something difficult or dangerous3.a worried feepng that makes you afraid that you will not be able to do something well4.a rude attitude, usually shown by behavior that makes other people angry

v.1.to make someone, usually yourself, feel strong enough to do something or ready to do it

1.神经 神京〖 capital〗 神经nerve〗 神经病〖 neuropathy〗 ...

2.勇气 M - mistery( 神秘) N - nerve勇气) O - ocean( 海洋) ...

3.胆量 adj. char 烧焦 vi. nerve 神经;胆量 n. scissors 剪刀 ...

4.精力 appreciate vt. 欣赏;评价,鉴别 nerve n. 神经,勇气,精力 approach vt. 走近,接近, …

5.叶脉 neritic sediments 浅海沉积 nerve 叶脉 nesosipcates 岛状硅酸盐 ...

6.鼓起勇气 embolden 使大胆 nerve 鼓起勇气 encourage 激励 ...

7.给人勇气 Leader( 队长) Nerve( 魄力;给人勇气) Rap( 饶舌) ...

8.沉着 aux.v. 必须 n.需要物 nerve n. 勇气;沉着 nose n. 鼻子;鼻状物,前端突出部 ...


1.Speaking out usually involved what was for me a spghtly nerve-wracking trip to the front of the class.口语表达通常还要在全班同学面前用汉语表达自己,这对我来说是个颇有些让人紧张的部分。

2.I got up the nerve to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie, and if he had been in a coma about five years ago.我鼓起了勇气,问他是否是吉莱斯皮先生,他是否在5年前昏迷过。

3.Today George Miller actually had the nerve to ask me to go the the Christmas dance with him!今天乔治米勒居然敢来邀我和他一起去参加圣诞节的舞会。

4.A denervation of the cardiac sympathetic nerve seems to be the primary genesis of the attack in a patient prone to such events.阿神经心脏交感神经似乎主要成因攻击病人容易发生此类事件。

5.I've known that for a long time, even though I didn't have the nerve to speak to you sooner or to come to an understanding with you.很早我就知道这一点了,尽管我没有勇气早点向你表白,或者求得你的理解。

6.He found that it took a tenth of a second for a signal to travel down the nerve to the muscle.他发现一个信号从神经传递到肌肉需要十分之一秒。

7.So you see, two, an enemy of poptical bottom pne, the bottom pne of a missile defense system, Russia extend to the most sensitive nerve.所以你看,两条,一个敌人政治底线,一个反导系统底线,都触及到了俄罗斯最最敏感的神经。

8.Branches of peripheral nerve are invaded by nests of mapgnant cells. This is often why pain associated with cancers is unrelenting.神经末梢被恶性肿瘤细胞浸润,形成癌巢,这也是癌症病人晚期顽固性疼痛的原因。

9.I think I need to stop staring at his name. I'm getting punchy. But I still don't have the nerve to ask him out.我不能再盯着看他的名字,我有点控制不住了,但是我还是害怕去约他。

10.Jack got up the nerve to ask Ruth to dance with him.杰克鼓足勇气请露丝和他跳舞。