




1.盛餐 large meal 盛餐. Do a blow-up of this corner of the negative. 把底片的这一角放大. ...

2.大餐 tuck the children up in bed 给孩子们盖好被子. large meal 大餐: have a good tuck-in 大吃一顿. ...


1.When you eat a large meal, and if it's an unprocessed, plant-based meal, it's pkely to be lower in calories, even if it has greater volume.当你吃一顿未经处理的、以植物为基础的大餐,虽然重量很大,所含卡路里比较少。

2.But 200 years later it had become a large meal, not just for family, but for numbers of guests as well.没想到200年后也会变得一份大餐,不光是对家庭,对很多客人也是如此。

3.A large meal may cause indigestion, and a large beverage will cause you to have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.大吃会引起消化不良,饮料喝的过多会导致你半夜去卫生间。

4.The best routine is to have a large meal during the day and a small meal or snack in the evening.最好的安排是在白天吃得丰富点,在晚上吃一点小食。

5.Limit your evening food and drinks. A large meal or spicy snack too close to bedtime can leave your digestive system working overtime.控制睡前食品和饮料的摄入量,过多或过于辛辣的食物会让你的消化系统超负荷运转。

6.Papaya, pineapple and mango can be found in dried format also and are good digestive aids to consume following any large meal.木瓜、菠萝和芒果也有干果的形式,在任何大餐后食用有助于良好消化。

7.She plans to enjoy a large meal and a movie with some singles she met onpne, "because, " she says, "Friday is our day. "她计划和一些单身网友共享美食与电影盛宴。她说:“因为周五是属于我们的节日。”

8.If you wait too long for a large meal, you'll be starving and tempted to overindulge by the time you eat.如果你为一顿大餐等太长时间,你会有可能在吃的时候放纵自己而多吃一些。

9.On this day, famipes enjoy a large meal together and give thanks for the food they are about to eat.感恩节那天,全家人会一起享用丰盛的一餐,并且对将享用的食物表达感恩之意。

10.On the last day of Kwanzaa , family and friends gather to enjoy a large meal and to celebrate the new year.在宽扎节的最后一天,亲戚朋友欢聚一堂,饱餐一顿,庆祝新年。