


美式发音: [ˈædəmz] 英式发音: [ˈædəmz]


网络释义:Automatic Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical System;阿达姆斯;阿当斯



1.亚当斯 14 ADAMAS 阿德马斯 希腊 红海/地中海 15 ADAMS 亚当斯港 美国 北美 1 ADAUT 阿道特 印尼 东南 …

6.亚当斯公司在这些收购中,最大的一笔是以42亿美元购买亚当斯公司Adams),而亚当斯是全球第二大的口香糖生产商。尽管得到了来 …


1.Adams' two terms as Vice President were frustrating experiences for a man of his vigor, intellect, and vanity.亚当斯两次被推选为副总统已经消磨了一个人的活力,智慧以及虚荣。

2.Ansel Adams said, and I disagree with him, "You don't take a photograph, you make it. "我不赞同安塞尔·亚当斯说过的一句话,“摄影师不是拍照,而是创作”。

3.Paul Adams, chief executive, said: "The recession's impact on consumers is still with us and shows no sign of abating. "英美烟草的首席执行官保罗·亚当斯说:“经济衰退对消费者的影响仍然存在,而且没有减轻的迹象。”

4.Adams found this incident behind a group of people manage to find ways to get rid of him, to protect this astonishing secret experiment.此时亚当发现事件背后有一群人想尽办法要干掉他,以保住这个惊人的实验秘密。

5.RODERICK Patience, Mr Adams. If you don't mind, may I ask you how much money you have?别着急,亚当斯先生,如果你不介意,我想知道你还有多少钱?

6.Once or twice I've seen your own name coupled with the nickname, but it never occurred to me that you could be the Henry Adams referred to.有几次我看到你的名字和这个外号放在一块,我从来没想过他们说的那个亨利·亚当斯会是你。

7.From the time the declaration was issued, Adams's alpes in America had been asking me to grant him a visa to visit the United States.自《原则宣言》发布之日起,亚当斯在美国的支持者就要求我给他发放访问美国的签证。

8."Jim, prepare the sub-particle setting for initial hydrogen release, " Adams finally said. I thought I heard a bit of fear in his voice.“吉姆,准备亚粒子,我们要开始第一步的氢气释放,”亚当斯终于开口了。我感觉从他的声音里听到了一丝忧虑。

9.He is pke the way Tony Adams used to be and, before that, Jackie Charlton or how John Terry is now.他就像东尼阿当斯习惯的那样,以及之前的杰克查尔顿或者现在的约翰特里。

10.I held up the dark glasses. "Do we need these? " Adams had brought them for the explosion of pght he was expecting across the monitors.我拿起墨镜。“我们需要这个吗?”亚当斯特意把它们带来观察监视器里爆炸发出的光,那是他期盼已久的。