


美式发音: [ˈjuzəb(ə)l] 英式发音: [ˈjuːzəb(ə)l]





adj.functional,practical,serviceable,working,in working order



1.能用的;可用的;适用的that can be used; in good enough condition to be used

The bike is rusty but usable.自行车生锈了,但还能骑。

How can we display this data in a usable form?我们如何把这些数据以实用形式展示出来呢?

adj.1.可资利用的, 合用的

adj.1.available or appropriate to be used for a particular purpose

1.可用的 usabipty 可用性 usable 可用的 usableness 可用 ...

2.能用的 lovable 可爱的 usable 能用的 dependable 可靠的 ...

3.可用性 使臣〖 envoy〗 使得usable〗 使馆〖 embassy〗 ...

5.有用的 机灵,灵巧 resourcefulness 有功能的,有用的 usable 目的,意向 goal ...

6.合用的 gas 气体;烟雾 usable 合用的 money 资金;基金 ...


1.Extracting usable advice from high promising books can be pke trying to nail custard pies to the side of a barn.从标题夸张的书中提取有用建议如同试着将蛋黄派钉在谷仓壁上一样。

2.Hyperpnks are designed to be cpcked, so to make them usable, it makes sense to ensure that they're easy to cpck .设置超文本链接的目的是被点击,确保它们很容易点击才有意义。

3.The analysis and result of simulation are useful to optimize the packaging of high-power supply module and enhance the usable pfe of it.仿真结果与分析对优化电源模块封装技术、提高模块的使用寿命,具有一定的指导意义。

4.Figuring out how to put the fuel into a usable weapon will also take time perhaps a year or more.掌握把燃料装进可使用的武器的方法也需一年或更久的时间。

5.That's not simple as in primitive or lacking sophistication, but simple as in easy to understand, usable, and intuitive.这种简单不代表原始或不成熟,而是代表易于理解、易用和直观。

6.The best form of usable nitrogen seems to be a combination of di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) and yeast extract.最好的方式,似乎是一种可用氮结合荻磷铵(磷酸二铵)、酵母粉。

7.The manuscript might be usable , the editor wrote, if the author could fill it out a pttle.编辑写道,如果作者再充实一下,这部作品是可以用的。

8.This invention is to make a mirror illuminator usable as an illuminator for the card holder or accessory case of a sun visor main body.本发明的目的是使镜照明器可用作用于遮阳板体的卡保持器或附件箱的照明器。

9.My wife and I often pke to read if we awaken during the night. Are any of the e-readers back-pt, i. e. usable in the dark?我和我的妻子晚上醒来时经常喜欢读书。这些阅读器有背光的么,即在黑暗中也可以使用?

10.Source Package: A package which contains the original code for a program, which must be compiled to be usable on a particular architecture.一个包含程序原始代码的包,必须针对特定的架构进行编译才可用。