


美式发音: [ˈfɔrtɪˌtud] 英式发音: [ˈfɔː(r)tɪtjuːd]





n.strength,courage,resipence,guts,staying power



1.(在巨大痛苦或困难面前表现出的)勇气,胆量,刚毅courage shown by sb who is suffering great pain or facing great difficulties


n.1.a brave and determined attitude

1.刚毅 Faith( 信心) Fortitude刚毅) Grief( 悔恨) ...

2.坚韧 刺穿 Impale 坚韧 Fortitude 佯攻 Feint ...

3.坚毅 deviation n. 离题,偏差 fortitude n. 坚忍,刚毅 fort fortify 巩固 ...

5.毅力 毅勇〖 resoluteandsteadfast〗 毅力fortitude;stamina;willpower;will〗 毅然〖 resolute;firm〗 ...

6.不屈不挠 fortify v 加固,加强 fortitude n 刚毅,不屈不挠 effort n 努力,奋发 ...

7.坚忍不拔 fortify 加强 fortitude 坚忍不拔 fortnight 两星期 ...

8.坚忍不拨 incertitude 疑惑,不确定 fortitude 坚毅,坚忍不拨 exude 使慢慢流出,四溢 ...


1.In the same way that an unnecessary Fortitude save isn't that bad, because at least you got to roll a save?照这么说,一次毫无必要的强韧检定也没那么坏,因为至少你能投一次豁免?

2.On her mother's silently pressing her hand with tender compassion, her small degree of fortitude was quite overcome.当母亲无言地、温柔地、同情地紧握住她的手时,她终于再也坚持不下去了。

3.This lends it great strength and a simple sort of fortitude. So too is the simplest design of the Team Dynamic in WoW.这使得它有很高的强度和一种简洁的韧性,这和魔兽世界里最简单的队伍设计是一样的。

4.And I especially wanted to show American readers what very hard work immigrating is, and how much fortitude it requires.我特别想让美国读者知道,移民是多么艰难的历程,必须要有多么坚强的意志。

5.The Prime Minister has led us steadfastly, and with admirable fortitude, as our national anchor in a time of crisis.首相作为这次危机中的“国家之锚”,以其令人钦佩的刚毅,坚定地引导着我们。

6.It was the flaws in the construction of the euro that forced Mr Trichet's hand, not a lack of fortitude under poptical pressure.这是欧元构造的瑕疵,迫使特里谢的手在政治压力下,仍不能缺少坚韧。

7.It will be a test of his economic judgment, of his fortitude , and of his consensual leadership style.这将是对他的经济判断、决心以及共识型领导风格的考验。

8.That fire-hot and rich season gave him enthusiasm, persistence, fortitude and fantasy as well.这个火热而富饶的季节给了他热情,给了他执着,给了他刚毅,同时也给了他幻想。

9.He lacked the testicular fortitude to stand up to his boss.他没有勇气反抗他老板。

10.From the story of the fortitude, courage and devotion of men and women, we create the inspirations of youth.从体现男性和女性不屈不挠、勇敢和奉献精神的故事之中,我们获得了青春的启示。