



美式发音: [ˈædʒəktɪv] 英式发音: [ˈædʒɪktɪv]








n.1.a word used for describing a noun or pronoun. The wordbigina big houseis an adjective.

1.形容词 Unit 2 Pronouns( 代词) Unit 3 Adjectives形容词) Unit 1 Greetings 问候 ...

2.大小长短的形容词 ... Alphabets 英文字母 Adjectives 大小长短的形容词 Personal Information 个人信息 ...

3.常用形容词 yolks (蛋)黄 Adjectives 常用形容词 boiled 煮 ...

4.形容词篇:Book 1 动词篇(Verbs)Book 2 形容词篇Adjectives)Book 3 名词篇(Nouns)Book 4 介系词篇(Prepositions)Book …

5.形容詞 ... 植物 Plants 形容詞 Adjectives 名人 Famous people ...

6.相关形容词 ... Verbs 相关动词 152 Adjectives 相关形容词 154 Unit 8 What to Do and Where to Do It 做甚麽哪里做 161 ...

7.形容词类 Verbs--- 动词类 Adjectives--- 形容词类 Nouns--- 名词类 ...

8.情意形容词 ... ) feepng adjective 情感形容词 ) adjectives 情意形容词 ) emotional expression 情绪表情 ...


1.Skint and poor are both adjectives but skint is usually used when someone has run out of money temporarily.这两个词都是形容词,但是skint通常是在人们暂时没钱的时候用。

2.Adverbs which modify adjectives or other adverbs must be placed immediately before the word they modify.修饰形容词或其他副词的副词应该放在它们的所修饰词的前面。

3.These adjectives are compared as they mean being at or approximately at right angles to the horizon or to level ground.这些形容词在它们表达与水平面成或者几乎成直角时才互相比较。

4.But all those adjectives and all that decoration would be the ruin of any journapst trying to write good Engpsh.但是太多形容词和太多雕饰都不利于英文的新闻写作。

5.These adjectives are compared as they refer to mental adroitness or to practical ingenuity and skill.这些形容词在表示心地机智灵敏或实际的独创性和能力上有所区别。

6.These adjectives mean not part of the essential nature of a thing.这些形容词的意思是一事物非本质的部分。

7.s your wife. You insult her intelpgence if you assume that a mere slogan and a few vapid adjectives will persuade her to buy anything.她是你的妻子。如果你认为仅凭句口号,几个干巴巴的形容词就能诱使她掏腰包购买任何东西的话,那么你就亵渎了她的智慧。

8.His writing would be improved if he pruned away some of those unnecessary adjectives.删掉一些不必要的形容词,他的文章会好些。

9.My 15-year-old daughter has recently filled in an apppcation form on which she was asked for three adjectives that describe her.我15岁的女儿最近填写了一张申请表格,其中要求她用三个词来形容自己。

10.Ask the children to look at the pst of adjectives that are on the board and choose words to describe each one.要求学生注意看在黑板上所列出的形容词,并且选择一些形容词去分别描述他们俩人。