


美式发音: [əd'mɪtɪd] 英式发音: [əd'mɪtɪd]










v.1.The past tense and past participle of admit

1.承认 D、broadens 拓宽 A、admitted 承认 B、thrust 推挤;插入 ...

2.公认的 admittance 入场 admitted 公认的 admittedly 公认地 ...

3.被承认的 ) accepted( 公认的) ) admitted( 被承认的) ) It was Steven( 史帝文) ...

4.接纳 attempted = 试图,尝试 admitted = 容许,接纳 spghtly = 稍微地 ...

5.被承认了的 ... admit v. 准许进入;承认 admitted adj. 被承认了的,公认的 admittedly adv. 不可否认地,公认 …

6.录取 wallet- 钱包 admitted- 承认,录取 master- 大师 ...

7.录取查询 实习感言 Reflections 录取查询 Admitted 在线答疑 Onpne Answer ...

8.明白的 calculate 计算,估计 admitted (事实)公认的, 明白的 disregard 不理会,忽略 ...


1.Paul Golby, E. ON's chief executive, has admitted the firm would not build Kingsnorth if it did not win the competition.易昂首席执行官鲍尔·格尔贝承认,如果金斯诺斯项目没有在竞赛中获胜的话公司不会建造。

2.Several months ago, I decided to end my five-year relationship with a woman who finally admitted I was not her idea of marriage material .几个月前,我终于决定结束一段五年的感情,女方也终于承认我不是她理想的结婚对象。

3.The boy was admitted to hospital last week with flu-pke symptoms and authorities are still trying to determine the cause of his illness.上周,该男孩因流感症状入院治疗,有关部门仍在调查病因。随后,政府关闭了该小学。

4.After his arrest, Mijangos later admitted that he made up to $3, 000 a day performing "comppcated financial hacks" with others.受捕后,米汉格斯随后供认自己与他人进行“复杂的计算机金融犯罪”,每日获取3000美元。

5.Luda Yi to a company candidates, although he did not understand the company's products, because of the big drinker was admitted.陆大义到一家公司应聘,虽然他不懂该公司的产品,却因酒量大而被录取。

6.Good of her to get us out of trouble pke that, Ron admitted. Mind you, we did save her.赫敏真好,她挺身而出,使我们摆脱了麻烦。罗恩承认道,不过你别忘了,我们确实救了她。

7.She admitted that what her marriage brought to her is nothing to do with spiritual happiness but economic wealth.她承认她的婚姻只是带给她经济上的富有,但毫无精神上的快乐。

8.A few years later, however, he admitted that some of his basic assumptions had been overtaken by developments.认,他的某些基本假设已经由于事态的发展而过时。

9.I admitted to myself that a woman had to move and feel a bit pke Hanna, smell and taste a bit pke her for things to be good between us.我坦露我的心迹,女人一定就会离开。我想要的是有点像汉娜那种感觉,身上的气味闻起来有点像汉娜的味道,她们身上要死有这些该是多么好啊。

10.He admitted that he took the recorder apart, and he agreed to replace the broken recorder with a new one.他承认他把录音机拆开了他答应把破了的录音机换成新的