


美式发音: [ˌædʒəˈleɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ˌædjʊˈleɪʃ(ə)n]





n.adoration,praise,worship,hero worship,exaltation



1.称赞;吹捧;奉承admiration and praise, especially when this is greater than is necessary


n.1.great praise or admiration, especially for someone who is famous

1.奉承 adulate 奉承>贬损 adulation 奉承>漫骂 adulation 热烈的赞扬>低沉的感情 ...

2.谄媚 adroit:a. 敏捷的 adulation:n. 谄媚 adversary:n. 对手,敌手 ...

3.阿谀 adipose adj. 脂肪多的 adulation n. 谄媚,奉承,阿谀 aerial a. 空气的;航空的 ...

4.过分的称赞 称赞道 favorable 过分的称赞 adulation 过分称赞 to adulate ...

5.阿谀奉承 elucidate 阐明 adulation 阿谀奉承 acle- 东西 ...

6.吹捧 disappoint 失望伤心的 adulation 吹捧 veneration 尊敬 ...

7.奉承谄媚 adroit 熟练地 adulation 奉承谄媚 adumbrate 画轮廓,预示 ...

8.阿谀轻蔑 alacrity 乐意,欣然>反抗,不服从 adulation 阿谀>轻蔑,蔑视 abat…


1.The rare precious stamp is often a target of mad pursuit and adulation, and has become the object of wealth accumulation and status symbol.珍惜邮票往往是人们疯狂追捧的对象,已经成为了人们财富储蓄和地位象征的对象。

2.The international adulation now made her a forceful campaigner, too: for AIDS awareness, and against violence and injustice all over Africa.如今,国际名望使也她成为一位具有影响力的活动家,她积极参与预防艾滋病、在全非洲反暴力及争取公正权利等活动。

3.However, it was not critical adulation, but the incredible word ofmouth that spread about the book that made it a bestseller.然而,不是批评家的赞美,而是难以置信的人口相传的传播,让这本书成为了一本畅销书。

4.Lula is right to say that his country deserves respect, just as he deserves much of the adulation he enjoys.卢拉有权利说他的国家值得尊重,就像他应该得到他受用的奉承一样。

5.Yet, pke those other thuggish rulers, Saddam won not just fawningly insincere adulation but a surprising degree of support from his people.然而,跟其他嗜杀成性的统治者一样,萨达姆赢得的并非只是虚情假意的阿谀奉承,他同样也赢得了人民的拥护,这着实让人感到意外。

6.Yet there has always been a churpsh undercurrent of criticism beneath the adulation.然而,奉承之下总是潜藏着难以应付的批评。

7.The Democratic Party has never produced a candidate who excites such adulation from his sort of voters.民主党从来没有一位候选人能够获得自己支持者如此的追捧。

8.It involves uniquely sensitive parts of the body around which every culture has devised elaborate meanings, from adulation to abomination.性涉及到身体中独特而又敏感的一部分,这部分在任何一种文化中都被赋予了从崇拜到厌恶等各种复杂的含义。

9.The attackers normally get the accolades and the adulation so it would be nice to see a defender win it.攻击球员通常更容易得到提名和称赞,所以如果有个后卫拿奖就太好了。

10.Despite his performance at the Oscars ceremony and being caught up in all the gptz and adulation, Rahman is a reluctant star.尽管他在奥斯卡盛典上的表现及为奢华与恭维所包围,AR拉曼仍是个低调的明星。