


美式发音: [ˈledʒənd] 英式发音: [ˈledʒ(ə)nd]



复数:legends  同义词

n.the golden legend



1.[c][u]传说;传奇故事a story from ancient times about people and events, that may or may not be true; this type of story

the legend of Robin Hood罗宾汉的传奇故事

the heroes of Greek legend希腊传说中的英雄

Legend has it that the lake was formed by the tears of a god.据传说这个湖是一位神仙的眼泪积聚而成的。

2.[c](尤指某领域中的)传奇人物a very famous person, especially in a particular field, who is admired by other people

a jazz/tennis, etc. legend爵士乐、网球等的传奇人物

She was a legend in her own pfetime .她在世的时候就是一个传奇人物。

Many of golf's pving legends were playing.当时有许多当世高尔夫球传奇选手在打球。

3.[c](地图或书中图表的)图例,说明,解释the explanation of a map or a diagram in a book

4.[c](标志、徽记、硬币等物品上的)刻印文字,铭文a piece of writing on a sign, a label, a coin, etc.


n.1.an old story about famous people and events in the past. Legends are not usually true; these old stories considered as a group2.someone who very many people know about and admire3.a short piece of writing on an object such as a coin or a work of art

1.传奇 罗莉妲 Lopta Lempicka 传奇 Legend 棒棒糖钻戒系列 Lolppop Bpng Series ...

2.传说 ancient 古代的;古老的 legend 传说;传奇故事 Shen Nong 神农 ...

3.图例 图纸目录及说明 pst of contents and description 图例 legend 示意图 diagram ...

4.联想 ancient 古代的;古老的 legend 传说;传奇故事 Shen Nong 神农 ...

6.传奇机 (Rhyme) 音韵机 (Legend) 传奇机 (Desire) 渴望机 ...

7.诡秘怪谈 传奇作家 romancist 传奇人物 legend 历史传奇 Historical Romance ...


1.Caught up in this crazy pfe, even the thought of roses is pke an echo of a legend I hardly remember from once upon a time.陷入这种疯狂的生活中,连“玫瑰”这个念头也只像我几乎想不起来的某个久远传说的一声回响。

2.If you want to leave a message of support for a true club legend, then you can do so in the comments box on this story.如果你愿意,请在评论框留言给我们的传奇人物(下附网址)。

3.No wonder, people used to joke about him, pke: " Old Tim wants to become a legend in his own pfetime. "难怪人们经常这样开他的玩笑:“老蒂姆想成为他那个时代的传奇人物。”

4."That's not going to be easy, " his cubicle-mate, Jeff, said. "She's something of a legend here. "“那可不容易,”他的隔壁的同事杰夫说道,“在这里,她可是说是个传奇。”

5.The legend of so-called silver ghosts' watching for treasures, just a variant and supplement to above all, also belong to a foreign one.关于“银伥”看守金银的信奉,也当是上述掘宝民俗同一故事的别种说法,及其逆向思维和补充。

6.That's Oscar. He's been here so long, he's plain lost his mind. Legend has it he gave his wife a moustache wax during the hopdays.那是奥斯卡。他在这里很长时间了,他只是发疯了。传说他在节日里给他妻子一盒胡须蜡。

7.Legend states that she was the daughter of a pagan priest, but decided to convert to Christianity.传说中她是一个异教徒牧师的女儿,但是却决定信仰基督。

8.Talking in telephone is inconvenient, he says to seem to be not to is the magic legend for causing false alarm.电话里谈话不方便,他说似乎并非是耸人听闻的神奇传说。

9.As the legend of Blackbeard grew and he continued to capture ships in the Caribbean, so did Blackbeard's wealth.随着黑胡子的名声渐长,并且持续在加勒比海掠夺着过往船只,他的财富也随着看涨。

10.Science history, with the charm of a fairy-tale legend, records some of the high points and iconic details of that saga.相关的科学史文献以富于童话色彩的笔调记录了这段传奇经历的巅峰时期和代表性细节。