



美式发音: [ədˈvæns] 英式发音: [ədˈvɑːns]





第三人称单数:advances  现在分词:advancing  过去式:advanced  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make advance,advance money,halt advance,advance science,advance cause

adj.+n.great advance,rapid advance,slow advance,advance warning,significant advance




v.go forward,move forward,press forward,move on,improve


v.1.进,推进;促进(生长),助长;拨进(时针),增进;提早,提前2.提高,抬高,涨,加(价等)3.预付,预支;借贷4.使升级,提升5.提出(意见等),提倡6.前去(某地)做先遣工作7.推进,上进,前进,向前发展,进步8.提高,晋升9.【军】前进,进攻 (against; on; upon)10.涨价,腾贵11.从事先遣工作12.(颜色等)醒目1.进,推进;促进(生长),助长;拨进(时针),增进;提早,提前2.提高,抬高,涨,加(价等)3.预付,预支;借贷4.使升级,提升5.提出(意见等),提倡6.前去(某地)做先遣工作7.推进,上进,前进,向前发展,进步8.提高,晋升9.【军】前进,进攻 (against; on; upon)10.涨价,腾贵11.从事先遣工作12.(颜色等)醒目

n.1.前进,进展;增进,进步;向上,晋升 (in rank)2.【军】前进,进攻3.预付;垫款,贷出款项4.腾贵,昂贵,上涨5.接近;友好的表示;求爱6.事先写好的新闻报导1.前进,进展;增进,进步;向上,晋升 (in rank)2.【军】前进,进攻3.预付;垫款,贷出款项4.腾贵,昂贵,上涨5.接近;友好的表示;求爱6.事先写好的新闻报导


v.1.to move forward and toward someone or something; to make something such as a movie or videotape move forward2.to progress and become better or more developed; to help something progress and become more developed or successful3.to suggest something for people to consider4.to give or lend someone money before the usual time or before they do something5.to increase in value1.to move forward and toward someone or something; to make something such as a movie or videotape move forward2.to progress and become better or more developed; to help something progress and become more developed or successful3.to suggest something for people to consider4.to give or lend someone money before the usual time or before they do something5.to increase in value

n.1.progress or an instance of progress in science, technology, human knowledge, etc.2.a forward movement toward someone or something, especially by an army3.a payment for work that is given before the work is complete; an amount of money that is paid to someone before the usual time4.an attempt to have a sexual relationship with someone, especially when they do not want it1.progress or an instance of progress in science, technology, human knowledge, etc.2.a forward movement toward someone or something, especially by an army3.a payment for work that is given before the work is complete; an amount of money that is paid to someone before the usual time4.an attempt to have a sexual relationship with someone, especially when they do not want it

adj.1.done, obtained, or announced before a particular time or event2.sent to a place before a larger group that will arrive later

1.预付 administration expense 管理费用 advances 预付 advertising expense 广告费 ...

2.进展 Acta 学报 Advances 进展 Annals Anna. 纪事 ...

3.预付款 Chapter 11: 破产重整 Advances: 预付款 Amortization: 分期付款 ...

4.进步 Advance department 放款部 Advances 预付;垫款 Advances to officers and employees 职工预支 ...

6.前进 D.develops 发展,开发 A.advances 前进 B.extends 延伸 ...

7.求爱 estate 财产 advances 求爱 vulgar 粗鄙的 ...

8.发展然而,当今的技术发展advances)已经超越了当初最乐观的预测,产生了另外一些优势。因此,有必要考虑光纤通信与许多 …


1.Adapts with this, China state-owned enterprise reform was also from easy to difficult, advances gradually.与此相适应,中国国有企业改革也是由易到难,逐步推进的。

2.'Medical advances caught up with him, ' said Dr Laureys, who bepeves there may be many similar cases of false comas around the world.“医学进步挽救了他。”洛雷斯博士说,他相信世界上还有很多类似个案。

3.Billy: It seems that you know more about salary advances than I do.比利:看起来你比我更懂得有关提前支薪的知识。

4.Those advances began to stall at the turn of the millennium, for reasons that are the subject of much speculation among economists.这些增长在千禧年前后开始停滞,其原因已经引起经济学家的诸多猜测。

5.She plays in the field's top venue (Hollywood) and is making extraordinary advances at a time of unprecedented competition and scrutiny.穆恩在众星云集的领域(好莱坞)占有一席之地,并在一段前所未有的竞争和监视的时间里,进行着非同寻常的发展。

6.For the moment, technological advances are supporting ethanol and biodiesel's place in the global fuel mix.眼下,科技进步为乙醇和生物柴油在全球燃料结构中的地位提供了支持。

7.That need not be a bad thing for book pubpshers, provided they do not simultaneously pay big advances and concede higher royalties.只要出版商在预付巨额稿酬的同时不再就版税做出更大让步,对他们来说这不一定是件坏事。

8.Older people tend to be quite conservative and a bit suspicious of any possible advances.老年人往往很保守,并对任何可能的进步都有点不信任。

9.Flashing his wedding ring at her he turned down her advances and took her to the grocery store instead.他晃了晃结婚戒指,拒绝了她的示好,而是带她去了杂货店。

10.All this was known thirty-five years ago; the great advances since then have come in the observational domain.所有这些,在三十五年前就已经知道了,以后的重大进展则是在观测方面。