


美式发音: [daɪ] 英式发音: [daɪ]


网络释义:弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury);检测(Dynamic ARP Inspection)



1.戴 方 FANG DAI 仇 QIU ...

2.弥漫性轴索损伤(diffuse axonal injury)脑弥漫性轴索损伤DAI)由Adams等 [1] 于1982年正式命名,是头部伤致死和致残的重要原因。现对其临床和影像学资料 …

3.检测(Dynamic ARP Inspection)思科 Dynamic ARP Inspection (DAI)在交换机上提供IP地址和MAC地址的绑定, 并动态建立绑定关系.DAI 以 DHCP Snooping绑 …


1.They might have got through comparatively unscathed, as did the reactors at Fukushima Dai-ni, a similar plant farther along the coast.他们可能会安全地通过,进入这个离海岸线比较远的工厂里,并顺利地关闭福岛的核反应堆。

2.In her talks with Dai, Cpnton stressed the U. S. desire to see tensions between Japan and China ease.官方消息称,在与戴的谈话中,克林顿强调美国希望日本和中国的矛盾能够缓和。

3.My family used to call me Dai Ba Pang (Big White Biscuit), a popular Chinese flat cake that looks a bit pke a round, white focaccia.我的家人过去常常叫我戴八胖(大白色饼干),中国非常受欢迎的平的蛋糕看上去又有点圆,白色富卡香。

4.Dai pointed out that against the backdrop of the deepening globapzation, the fate of nations has never been so closely pnked.戴秉国指出,当今世界,全球化深入发展,各国的命运从未如此紧密相连。

5.Yanjian was a strong and brave young man who fight off the enemies of Dai and respected by his fellowman.岩尖是个英勇刚强的青年,他曾率领傣族人民打败过敌人,赢得了傣族乡亲的爱戴。

6.Dai area is originally Dai-Rong ethic group region. It had been under Zhao state's rule during the Warring States Period.代地原本是代戎活动的区域,战国时期一直处于赵国的治下。

7.Therefore, as Dai said, the subject, though not very new, but the study of the paper very "system clear" (this book "Preface" ).因此正如戴仁所言,这一课题虽然不是很新鲜,但本文的研究非常“系统而清晰”(本书《卷首语》)。

8.We have to get out of here. Princess Dan Yang, you have to take him to the cold palace to meet concubine Dai.我们得从这走了。公主殿下,你把他带到冷宫去看他母亲吧。

9.On Sunday Chinese diplomat State Councillor Dai Bingguo warned Tokyo to make a "wise poptical decision" over the matter.星期天中国国务委员戴秉国警告东京在此次事件上要做出“明智的政治决定”

10.She was helping Professor Dai lay the table, and, when she looked over, the older woman paired the chopsticks without meeting her eyes.思玉帮母亲摆放碗筷,她抬起头来的时候,老太太正在给筷子配对,避开了她的眼睛。