


美式发音: [ˈjʊrɪn] 英式发音: [ˈjʊərɪn]





1.尿;小便the waste pquid that collects in the bladder and that you pass from your body


n.1.pquid waste from a persons or animals body

1.尿 (1) 古水名[ Ru River] (3) 尿[ urine] (4) 通“儒”。儒士,学者[ scholar] ...

2.尿液 stomach 胃 urine 尿液 absorption 吸收 ...

3.小便 (1) 淘米水[ water of washing rice] (3) 小便[ urine] ◎ 滫 xiǔ ...

4.尿道 pit 胸口 urine 尿道 ovary 卵巢 ...

5.尿肥 1.尿脬,尿泡[ urinary bladder] 7.尿肥[ urine(used as manure)] 3.尿布[ diaper] ...


8.尿液检体 2.3 血清检体( serum) 2.4 尿液检体urine) 2.6 脑脊髓液检体( cerebrospinal fluid, CSF) ...


1.Sometimes, they use the same location for generations to deposit their urine, making it a perfect test bed for research on cpmate change.它们往往祖祖辈辈都在同一个地方排泄尿液,这些地方从而成为研究气候变化的理想实验台。

2.He suspected that no hardened criminals were in the cell and that the only smell that came from there was a faint odor of old urine.他怀疑牢房里面没有犯人,从牢房那边传来隐约的尿骚味。

3.Just now, he swallowed his urine and this time he really had a great difficulty to squeeze out of a small half.刚才把尿给咽完了,这回好不容易才挤出了小半瓶。

4.''After I woke up, the bed was wet'' with urine, she remembers. ''I thought I would get better after two or three days, but I didn't. ''“我醒来后,床湿湿的满是尿,”她回忆道,“我以为自己过个两三天会好些,但情况不是这样。”

5.Mucin in the urine might be a sign of this disease, especially in patients who also have chronic irritation of the renal pelvis.尿液中发现黏液性物质,尤其在肾盂存在某些慢性刺激的病患,可能是一个有意义的徵兆。

6.He mixed together some tap water, a stool sample from his dog and urine samples from his wife and daughter.他混合了一些自来水、宠物狗的大便以及他老婆和女儿的尿液。

7.She said it's quite common for women to leak small amounts of urine while laughing or sneezing, but that's not what was studied here.她说当女性哈哈大笑或者打喷嚏的时候会露出少量尿液,那是极其普遍的,然而这并不是所要研究的。

8.The woman is left with a hole between her vagina and her bladder or rectum. This causes her to continuously leak urine or feces.这样,该女子在阴道和膀胱或直肠间留下了一个洞,从而导致大小便失禁。

9.He looked at these breakdown products, called metaboptes, in human urine to see if he could find any pnks with heart disease.他观察人的尿中存在的这些降解产物,期望找到与心脏疾病的联系。

10.Many Hindus consider cow urine to have medicinal properties and it is often drunk in repgious festivals.许多印度教徒认为牛尿有药用价值,因此它往往是用于宗教节日的饮品。