


美式发音: 英式发音: 



英文单词:自动曝光(Auto Exposure);声发射(acoustic emission);客户主管(Account Executive)





1.自动曝光(Auto Exposure)自动曝光锁定 启动测光系统时,只需扳动自动曝光 ( AE ) 锁杆 胶片感光速度设置 使用 DX 编码胶片使用自动设定,也可手动设 …

2.声发射(acoustic emission)声发射的声发射AE)的测试是一种类型的分析,设计用于钢和玻璃纤维的结构,这是一个公认的工业方法,这样的考试悬臂 …

3.客户主管(Account Executive)广告客户主管ae)招聘要求:1.招聘人数:2人2.设计类、印刷类、市场营销及管理类相关专业,平面设计或广告行业两年以 …

4.不良事件(adverse event)不良事件AE),在用药病人或临床研究对象中发生的任何不幸医疗事件,他不一定要与治疗有因果关系。因此,一个不良事件…


1.AE: Were you hesitant at all about playing a role where the character was going to be getting into a same-sex relationship?你有没有对自己要演一个会跟同性发展感情的角色踌躇过?

2.This study suggests that OLT is feasible for incurable AE of the liver and that this procedure ensures a good clinical outcome.这项研究表明:OLT用于难治性滤泡型肝包虫病是可行的,并且可以确保良好的临床结果。

3.Please wait for a while. I'll be with you as soon ae possible.请稍等,我马上回来。

4.AE: I thought that was a hilarious scene. Are there any particular Brothers &Sisters scenes that stand out to you as personal favorites?那个场景有点搞笑。在《兄妹》当中有什么场景特别出色让你喜欢的吗?

5.Acoustic emission (AE) is one of the important information in detecting and analyzing reliability of concrete structure.在混凝土结构的可靠性检测中,声发射是一种重要的可测信息。

6.Ensure timely adverse experience (AE) reporting to HQ and local agency in light of applicable laws, regulations as well as requirements.依照相关法律法规要求,确保及时地向总部和当地药政管理部门报告不良事件。

7.He was a strongly made man with dark curling hair, from forty-five to fifty years of ae.这人身体结实,深色鬈发,年纪在四十五至五十。

8.The AE signal may also be used for the on-line monitoring of grinding wheel wear.运用声发射还可对砂轮磨损状态进行在线监测。

9.I have created a simple spinning logo intro in AE from a template which is to be used to prefix some product demo videos for You Tube.我已经创造了AE从模板这是用来前缀为您管一些产品演示视频介绍一个简单的旋转标志。

10.Astro Empires includes a private messaging system that allows a player to contact any other player in the game.AE包括了私有消息系统以便让玩家与其他玩家在游戏中联系。