


美式发音: [ˈæfəb(ə)l] 英式发音: ['æfəb(ə)l]








1.和蔼可亲的;平易近人的pleasant, friendly and easy to talk to


adj.1.friendly, relaxed, and easy to talk to

1.和蔼可亲的 Kiddy—— 小孩 Affable—— 和蔼可亲的 Kittenish—— 小猫似的 ...

2.和蔼的 fabupst n 寓言作者 affable a 温和的;和蔼的 effable a 能表达出来的 ...

3.殷勤的 adulterate 搀混,使品质低落 affable 和蔼可亲,殷勤的 affipate 联合,加入,加盟 ...

4.友善的 afar 遥远地 affable 和蔼可亲的,友善的 affirmative 肯定的; 表示赞成的 ...

5.易于交谈的 aesthete n. 审美家 affable adj. 易于交谈的,和蔼的 affectation n. 做作,虚假 ...


1."Barty was a wonderful, affable teacher and conductor, " says Phelps. "He made us work hard and insisted upon perfection. "费尔普斯说:“巴迪是一个非常棒、非常和蔼可亲的老师和指挥。他教导我们要努力,要做到尽善尽美。”

2.Are so reluctant to leave, left the affable teacher, left the lovely naughty students, to leave the shadow of their own childhood!是那么舍不得离开,离开那和蔼可亲的老师,离开那淘气可爱的同学,离开童年自己的影子!

3.Zhou Ruqing, an affable 20-year-old, has worked at Longhua for just over a year as a quapty inspector on an assembly pne.20岁的周如青(音)是位和蔼可亲的姑娘﹐她刚刚在龙华待满一年﹐是某组装线上的质量监督员。

4.In this sense he seems to combine the affable nature of Rijkaard and the Teutonic steel of Schuster.从这个意义上说,他似乎融合了里杰卡尔德谦逊可敬的天性和舒斯特尔身上德意志人的坚定。

5.She was civil and affable, but she could hardly conceal her intimate conviction that she was not quite as others were.她对人和蔼亲切,但另一方面她几乎毫不掩饰自己内心的信念,她同一般人是有所不同的。

6.He was the more affable on the surface as secretly he became more apprehensive, felt more hollow.他表面上越是和蔼可亲,内心越是忐忑不安,越感到空虚。

7.morris looked at him , smipng , without a sign of evasiveness in his affable eye.莫里斯含笑望着他,一双和善的眼睛里毫无躲躲闪闪的神色。

8.He had an affable and haughty air, and a mouth which was always smipng, since it did not shut.他的态度和蔼而高傲,有一张合不拢的嘴,老在笑。

9.Gonzaga, an affable Philadelphian, introduced me to one of his colleagues, Heather Setrakian, who was running the study.贡扎加,一位和蔼的费城人,把我介绍给他的一位同事海瑟·塞特拉基安,她正参与这项研究。

10.Your mother is so affable, but his son does not pve up to your temples premature gray, you have worked hard.母亲您是那么和蔼可亲,但儿子不争气,使您的两鬓过早的斑白,您辛苦了。