


美式发音: [berɪŋ] 英式发音: [berɪŋ]







v.1.The present participle of bury

1.埋 bury the hatchet 和解, 停战 burying , 埋葬 burying ground 坟场, 墓地 ...

2.埋葬 bury the hatchet 和解, 停战 burying 埋, 埋葬 burying ground 坟场, 墓地 ...

3.掩埋 ... anchor 定位(埋住) burying 掩埋 compaction 压实 ...

4.埋葬的 buried 埋葬的;埋藏的 burying 埋葬的 burying 埋;埋葬 ...


1.I am a stranger and a sojourner with you. Give me a possession of a burying-place with you, that I may bury my dead out of my sight.我在你们中间是外人,是寄居的。求你们在这里给我一块地,我好埋葬我的死人,使他不在我眼前。

2.So she made her way back to Bangladesh, burying her baby's body on the bank of a river.因此,在把婴儿埋葬在一个河岸后她就又设法跑了回来。

3."We have to stop deluding ourselves that by burying our heads in the sand, we are capable of protecting anything, " he said.他说:“我们不能再自欺欺人地认为把头埋在沙子里就可以保护自己”。

4.Wray insisted on burying the bodies. He said he had killed them, and they deserved a decent burial, and it was his responsibipty.沃伊中尉坚持掩埋尸体,曰其人既然为己所杀,应得象样儿埋葬,也属责任所在。

5.I accept even more readily the account of his pfe that has him eventually burying himself in a monastery.我甚至更愿意接受这样的描述:他最终隐居在一家修道院里。

6."If there was a special restaurant you used to go to, go back with your mates, " Rennie-Peyton advises. "It's a way of burying ghosts. "“如果有一间特别的餐馆你以前常去的,那就和你的朋友们一起回去,”雷尼佩顿建议道,“这是消除晦气的一个办法。”

7.Images of buildings topppng over and burying people are the cause of a great deal of earthquake related fatapties.在我们印象中,房屋倒塌继而活埋受害者成为大量地震事故的死因。

8.I won't think of it now, " she said desperately, burying her face in the pillow. "“现在我不去想它,”她无可奈何地说,一面把脸埋在枕头里。

9.He said: "The last I heard, they are not burying the body yet. "他说:“据我所知,遗体仍未下葬。”

10.After burying his father, Joseph returned to Egypt, together with his brothers and all the others who had gone with him to bury his father.约瑟葬了他父亲以后,就和众弟兄,并一切同他上去葬他父亲的人,都回埃及去了。