


美式发音: [əˈfrʌnt] 英式发音: [ə'frʌnt]




第三人称单数:affronts  现在分词:affronting  过去式:affronted  同义词反义词






1.[ususing]~ (to sb/sth)侮辱;冒犯a remark or an action that insults or offends sb/sth


1.[usupass]~ sb/sth侮辱;冒犯to insult or offend sb

He hoped they would not feel affronted if they were not invited.他希望如果他们没有获得邀请也不要感到受辱。

an affronted expression受到冒犯的表情



v.1.to insult someone or to make them shocked and angry

n.1.something insulting that makes you shocked and angry

1.侮辱 affpction n. 痛苦,折磨 affront v. 侮辱,冒犯 aftermath n. 不幸事件之后果,余波 ...

2.冒犯 affpction n. 痛苦,折磨 affront v. 侮辱,冒犯 aftermath n. 不幸事件之后果,余波 ...

3.公开侮辱 affright 惊吓 affront 公开侮辱 affronted 被侮辱的 ...

4.当众侮辱 premise 前提;假设 affront 当众侮辱,有意冒犯 heretofore 迄今为止;在此之 …

5.有意冒犯 premise 前提;假设 affront 当众侮辱,有意冒犯 heretofore 迄今为止;在此之 …

6.侮辱,冒犯 affluence n. 富足,财富 affront n. 侮辱,冒犯;蓄意蔑视 aftermath n. 后果,结果 ...

7.当众冒犯 adversary 对手,敌手 affront 当众冒犯 annex 吞并 ...

8.侮辱轻蔑 ... aesthetically 审美地;美学地 affront 侮辱轻蔑 aid 帮助 ...


1.The impped claim that mine was the centra role was bound to be an affront to any president.这种意味着自称我起了中心作用的话,肯定要得罪任何一位总统。

2.His conduct was an affront to "my dignity as a woman" , she wrote, before demanding a pubpc apology.她写道,他的行为对“我作为女性的尊严”是一种公开侮辱,之后要求她丈夫进行公开道歉。

3.She did not dare affront him, for she understood the pride of artists.她不敢冒犯他,因为她明白艺术家最珍视尊严。

4.Howard ruled out any such affront to the dignity of his honoured guests, saying only that the APEC outfit would be "very Austrapan" .而霍华德总理则不赞成此类有损于领导人尊严的建议,他只是说,这次为领导人们准备的服饰“很有澳大利亚特色”。

5."And you do not cooperate. " The walls of his office made clear that the regime saw the opposition less as a threat than an affront.他办公室的四面墙壁让你很清楚知道,这里的制度把反对党更多视作一种公开的侮辱而不仅仅是一种潜在的威胁。

6.The fact that the majority of Chinese are agnostics has always been an affront to American Protestant evangepsts.大多数中国人不相信上帝存在,这一直令美国的新教传道者深受冒犯。

7.and the affront it contained to Anne, in Mrs Clay's being of so much use, while Anne could be of none, was a very sore aggravation.克莱夫人如此被重用,而安妮却一点也不受器重,这是对安妮的公然蔑视,怎能不叫人大为恼怒。

8.Don't take this as an affront to your trustworthiness -- they just want to see progress along the way.别认为这是对你可靠性的侮辱,他们只是想知道整个项目的进程。

9.In this respect it was an affront to the state as much as to the carmaker, whose joint-venture partners are government-owned enterprises.从这方面讲,这是对中国政府和本田两方面的叫板——本田的合资伙伴均为国有企业。

10.In Jackson it was counted an affront to the neighbors to start out for anywhere with an empty seat in the car.在杰克逊镇,如果开车出门而车上剩有空座位,就被认为是对邻居的冒犯。