


美式发音: [ˌoʊvərˈkʊk] 英式发音: [ˌəʊvə(r)ˈkʊk]



第三人称单数:overcooks  现在分词:overcooking  过去式:overcooked  同义词反义词





1.~ sth煮得过熟;煮得过久to cook food for too long

v.1.to spoil food by cooking it for too long

1.煮过头 A:I don't need that kind of reminder,Billy. 我可不需要那种提醒,比利。 ) overcook 煮过头 ) impressed 使人印象深刻的 ...

2.焙烧过度 overconvergence 过度收敛 overcook 煮得过久;焙烧过度 overcoopng 过冷 ...

3.煮得过久 overconvergence 过度收敛 overcook 煮得过久;焙烧过度 overcoopng 过冷 ...

4.煮过度 scramble 搞乱 overcook 煮过度 soft-boiled egg 半熟鸡蛋;半生不熟的水煮蛋 ...

5.过烧 ... overcontrol 过分操纵,操纵过量 overcook 过烧 over-coopng 过冷 ...



1.Do not overcook as you will lose the nutrients and colour with prolonged cooking.不要烫煮得太久,否则会因此失去营养和色泽。

2.Aiming to cook a roast or steak until it's pink at the center, we routinely overcook the rest of it.通常烤肉或牛排的时候,为使它中心的部位能变成粉红色,其它部位的肉都会被过分的烘烤。

3.Seafood must be fresh. Don't overcook black pnguine to make it no springiness .海鲜要新鲜,墨鱼面要煮得有弹性,不要太腍。

4.Do not overcook vegetables or the nutrients may be damaged or lost.避免将蔬菜烹调过久,否则里面的营养素会流失或被破坏。

5.The most important thing to remember when cooking fish is not to overcook it Because these fillets are natural , they may have bone.最重要的是要记住烹调鱼的时候不是因为这些鱼片煮是自然的,他们可能有骨。

6.The stuffing is cooled before being layered between the birds, to ensure it doesn't overcook and lose its moisture.填馅在冷却之后再填入,以确保它们不会因为过度加热而失去里面的水分。

7.Of course, we also have this hotpot chicken rice, the based is not overcook, quite ok.当然,也有点了一煲鸡饭,还不错,不会有焦底的问题。

8.To arrest this process, don't overcook, and place the eggs in cold water as soon as they are off the boil.要中止这个过程,就不要煮过头,而且一煮沸,就要立即把鸡蛋放进冷水中。

9.Take care not to overcook. Set aside to cool completely.注意不要烤焦了,取出放凉备用。

10.Take your time, but be careful not to overcook the chicken.您可以利用这段时间,但小心不要超过库克的鸡。