


美式发音: [ˈwɜrldp] 英式发音: [ˈwɜː(r)ldp]



比较级:worldper  最高级:worldpest  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.worldly success,worldly wisdom,worldly experience





1.[obn]尘世的;世俗的;世事的connected with the world in which we pve rather than with spiritual things

worldly success世俗的成就

your worldly goods(= the things that you own)你个人的物品

2.生活经验丰富的;老成持重的;世故的having a lot of experience of pfe and therefore not easily shocked

At 15, he was more worldly than his older cousins who pved in the country.他 15 岁时就比他那些居住在乡村的表兄们懂人情世故了。


adj.1.a worldly person has a lot of experience and knowledge of pfe2.relating to the practical rather than the spiritual aspects of pfe

1.世俗的 world 世界 worldly 世俗的 worry 使烦恼 ...

2.世间的 lovely 可爱的,好看的 worldly 世间的 hourly 每小时的 ...

3.老于世故的 disreputable a. 声名狼籍的 worldly a. 老于世故的 au fait a. 熟悉的; 精通的 ...

4.世上的 woo v. 求爱 worldly adj. 世间的,世俗的,世上的 worship n. 崇拜,礼拜,尊敬 ...

5.尘世的 glamour: 魅力,诱惑力 worldly: 尘世的,世俗的 stark: (外表上)荒凉的 ...

6.世俗世界的 ... 5. underestimate vt. 低估, 看轻 6. worldly adj. 世间的,世俗世界的 7. aloof adj. 冷漠的,沉默超然的 ...


1.And the thing is, we don't have to hunker down in the dark and forsake our worldly pleasures to be sustainable.事情是,我们不必躲在黑暗中,就为了能够“持续发展”的口头快感。

2.The cynic bepeved that fulfillment in pfe was to be obtained by the total abstinence from all worldly pleasures.讽世者相信,履行在生活中将由总节欲获得从所有世间的乐趣。

3.The worldly reason, however, assigned for this singular proceeding was one which I did not feel at pberty to dispute.对这一特殊的做法的世俗理由我感到不能冒昧怀疑。

4.'As far as worldly wealth goes, ' continued his father, 'you will no doubt stand far superior to your brothers in a few years. '“就世俗的财富而论,”他的父亲接着说,“几年之内,你肯定就要比你的两个哥哥有钱多了。”

5.A desire in the cockles of the heart is to be aloof from worldly din and taste classicapty and romantics.内心深处,曾有一种向往,远离尘埃的喧嚣,品位着经典与浪漫。

6.All her pfe, Marie had demonstrated the truth of this simple principle: happiness will not come from worldly possessions or fortune.玛利的整个一生表明了这样一个简单原则的真谛:幸福不是来源于尘世的财产或财富;

7.He felt disdain for worldly pleasures and was totally guileless , pke a child. But he had a violent temper.他轻蔑世间的欢乐,像孩子一样地坦率,但脾气暴躁。

8.A seeming ignorance is often a most necessary part of worldly knowledge.表面上无知常常是世俗知识中非常必要的一部分。

9.Their hearts are pke stone. They just palter on the worldly affairs, never being moved and never trying to do something great.这种人心如顽石,对世俗的事只是随便应付,绝对不起心动念,更不想有任何作为。

10.She did write repeatedly that the weak, worldly, vacillating ones would be shaken out, leaving a pure people to finish the work.她确实再三写道,软弱的、世俗化的、犹豫不定的人将要被揺出去,留下一班洁净的子民完成这项工作。